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Comprehensive program for socioemotional and citizenship education & schools as territories of peace

place Colombia

Building transformative citizenships

In Bogotá (Colombia), citizens lived in a deeply unequal society, one with a history of violent dynamics that needed to be denaturalized. Due to their central position within communities, schools became the perfect place to promote the transformation of power relations and the positioning of forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration to improve the conditions for society coexistence.


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Target group
May 2022
Through this program, educational communities have advanced and appropriated citizen and socioemotional capacities, promoting the agency and empowerment of the different actors within the community.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

This initiative is carried out with the objective of turning schools into scenarios that promote a comprehensive education, that advances the students and community´s construction of horizontal relationships, the respect for the perspectives and ideas of others, attention to mental health, and the promotion of bonds based on trust, confidence, solidarity, equality, and collaboration.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Program is structured by four strategies where the development of socio-emotional and citizen capacities, as well as the participation of families and communities became the central objectives.

Restorative School Justice and promoting Initiatives for Peace: These strategies have selected and supported 179 schools with 400 teacher-led experiences towards the promotion of dialogue and critical thinking for peace-building and forgiveness.

Comprehensive School Guidance Response: This has strengthened a specialized pedagogical team for school counseling and attention to critical situations, while creating 200 positions within the system for this purpose.

Family Strengthening: 20 local Learning and Practice Networks composed of families and 300 Family Care Schools have been created to promote the development of awareness-raising actions together with families and define and strengthen actions for the management of intra-family conflicts and violence.

How has it been spreading?

The dissemination channel for the program is an experience-based strategy which in turn is also documented through graphic and audio communication pieces on social networks. Face-to-face and remote meetings have been held with the participation of teachers, students, and parents. The meetings, workshops and training sessions are registered, and their results are shared with the community. To measure their efficiency, instruments such as surveys and focus groups have been applied, as well as the permanent accompaniment of educational institutions. Likewise, the strategies will support a new group of 400 new teacher-led initiatives that will strengthen and spread the benefits of this innovation.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

This innovation is highly replicable in other contexts because it permits for the adjustment to the specific realities and necessities of the community. That is why, the first steps should be the establishment of Inter-institutional alliances; small scale pilots to understand community needs in terms of public policy and the investment of financial resources towards a team that creates connections


Espacios de Diálogo de Saberes 2020 - 2021.
Notas - Programa Integral de educación socioemocional, ciudadana y escuelas como territorios de paz.
Programa Integral de Educación Socioemocional, Ciudadana y Escuelas como Territorios de Paz
Conozca cómo avanza la Cátedra de Estudios Afrocolombianos en Bogotá
Edna Bonilla y Alejandro Gaviria conversan sobre los retos de la educación en la nueva realidad
Conozca los resultados para participar del curso sobre educación inclusiva
Rendición de cuentas: en el año de la pandemia, la educación no se detuvo un solo día en Bogotá
Rendición de cuentas 2020: en el año de la pandemia, la educación estuvo en primer lugar en Bogotá
Educación y paz: participe en el nuevo diálogo de saberes de la Misión de Educadores
Francesco Tonucci y su propuesta para que niñas y niños aprendan por gusto y no por obligación
Ellos son los 4 secretarios generales de Simonu Bogotá Región 2020
La biblioteca azul del colegio número uno en educación inclusiva del país
5 cosas que debe saber sobre lo que niñas y niños aprenden y extrañan en esta cuarentena
Simonu Bogotá inicia convocatoria para su octava edición
Educación: lo primero para que 387 mil niñas de Bogotá hagan historia
Bogotá le apuesta a la alimentación saludable de sus estudiantes
Día Internacional de la Niña
Bogotá conmemora el Día Internacional de la Educación No Sexista
En Bogotá, 92.000 niños no trabajan gracias a esfuerzos interinstitucionales
Fortalecimiento Familiar (FF)
Incitar para la paz (IPP)
Respuesta Integral de Orientación Escolar Pedagógica (RIOP)
Consolidación "Mesa de Intermemorias"
Presentación de Experiencias Pedagógicas en Justicias Escolar Restaurativa
Programa integral de educación socioemocional, ciudadana y construcción de escuelas en paz.

Implementation steps

Step 1. The formulation recognises previous experiences

This initiative acknowledges past public policy experiences dating back to 2012 with the Education, Coexistence and Citizenship Programme (PECC). Consultancies, previous evaluations and dialogues with communities were reviewed to identify areas for improvement and achievements to strengthen.

Step 2. Discussion and piloting with educational communities

The definition of the routes and methodologies included focused consultation and piloting exercises with educational communities that involved focus groups and interviews, recognising their knowledge of their context, their installed capacities and the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Step 3. Building schools as territories of peace

Accompaniment of professional teams for the 4 strategies, focused on leaving installed capacities for sustainability, promoting solid articulation at institutional, district, national and international levels, and socialising and validating the pedagogical tools with the communities.

Step 4. Accompanying schools as territories of peace

Implementation of the pedagogical routes designed for the initiatives and experiences applied for and led by the autonomy of the schools. The implementation is characterised by the provision of resources and tools, as well as pedagogical accompaniment by the programme's professionals

Step 5. Evaluation, monitoring and systematisation

The development of evaluation, monitoring and systematisation processes through the implementation of both internal and external exercises is considered fundamental. This allows the voices of the communities to be heard in order to identify achievements, needs and opportunities for improvement in a timely manner.

Spread of the innovation

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