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Class Creator

Student Placement Software

Class Creator helps primary and elementary schools create better classes and save HEAPS of time. By creating more positive learning environments, all stakeholders (students, teachers, leadership and parents) benefit. Streamline and organising the process ensure fewer mistakes are made. Class Creator has been used for over half a million student placements worldwide.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated February 2018
Web presence




All students
Target group
Class Creator has literally saved our leadership team over 30 hours of work and our teachers a lot of time and effort.

About the innovation

Class Creator: Student Placement Software

Class Creator helps schools streamline their existing student placement process and produce better classes.

  • Online Teacher Surveys

  • Classes Created Instantly

  • Drag & Drop Editing

  • Placement Alerts & Feedback

  • Great Classes (Happier kids, parents, teachers and administrators)

  • History Saved

  • Enjoy the time you saved!

Implementation steps

Visit Website

Check out our website to find out more about Class Creator.

Check out our demo school
We have a demo school, pre-populated with data, so you can have a play :-)

This is the best way to see if Class Creator is a good fit for the needs of your school. Keep in mind that much of what you see is customisable.

Demo School Link

Contact Us

As educators, we understand that every school is different and has unique requirements.

If you have any questions about how Class Creator might work at your school please let us know.

The easiest way to get in touch is via email (

Spread of the innovation

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