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Art Expedition

place Finland

The Art Expedition takes You through funny, peaceful even sad moods by making & experiencing art.

Art Expedition is a journey to experiencing and verbalizing emotions in context of contemporary art. Children express their reactions and listen others telling about theirs towards carefully chosen art works: joyful, exciting and sad. Thoughts are put into actions through play. EMMA-museum provides training for the educators who can lead Art Expedition in their own groups, in safe environment.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
June 2021
Listening and feeling empathy towards other is what makes us human. Big and small.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

We acknowledged that contemporary art can be a safe context where to study emotions and learn to feel empathy. Children need safe and unbiased places to learn about their emotions and reactions. Talking about art and making art together can give that.
We wanted to increase the skills of educators to use art as a tool and as a safe environment to handle personal, sometimes difficult issues.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We train educators to use the Art Expedition package in they own kindergarten or class. They are provided with a back pack consisting of the instructions, some background material and an art fairy called Green (a stuffed toy). Green will be their guide through the expedition. The training can take place in the museum or in virtual meeting.
We have chosen a set of art works from our collection to be inspiration for discussions, telling stories and making meaningful art peaces together. The group get a large-scale photos of the art works and an opportunity to visit the museum after their expedition.
Educators can choose a suitable time of day or divide the expedition to several days. The educators know their pupils: about their strengths and abilities as well as difficulties. But in the same time the educator is on the same journey, on new ground with his/hers pupils, building soothing spaces and creating characters out of materials found in nature.

How has it been spreading?

We have trained kindergarten teachers in Espoo, Finland for two years. About 15 to 20 groups have done the Art Expedition.
Espoo city early education unit together with cultural unit spread the word and link the museum to day care centers and educators. We have reached two large areas of Espoo and aim to provide Art Expedition to other areas of our big city.
We would like to see if the Expedition package would be scalable to other art collections and other local museums. Social and emotional skills develop without further ado just by discussing and experiencing art together. That means that we would be interested to develop a model or a corpus for other museums and art institutions to use. They could ground it on their own art works.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You could contact me or our art educator Maria Vähäsarja. We would provide you with the material and training.

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