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Academic Adventures 2018

An amazing adventure into team learning

Academic Adventure is an international week for teachers and staff all around the world 21.5.2018 - 25.5.2018. Read more and book tickets:


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March 2018
Trust the process

About the innovation

Why team learning?

Team learning model enables students to learn major issues in a creative environment, benefiting their dreams and future. The main purpose is to produce unique learning experiences; for one can decide by oneself which subjects one can experience to be useful, and concentrate on them without someone telling you, what and how you should learn.

Therefore, also the teachers role changes; they are no longer the only road to learning, but instead more like a compass which points to the right direction in which the student can navigate towards. Teachers, or as in team learning model – coaches, are still an important component of the learning process, but because the joy of learning, motivation and benefit rise from self guidance, the role is a little different and new. During “Academic Adventures” you will get to hear and learn the secrets to these opportunities of motivating and guiding.

The model isn’t based on any belief, because according to studies learning by doing and self guidance are the most effective ways to learn.

Implementation steps

Limited amount of tickets!

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