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Enjoy English

place India + 1 more

India's first AI-based foundational English learning app for first generation English learners

In India, 83% of Grade 5 students in government schools cannot even read Grade 2 level text in English. Enjoy English aims to transform the ecosystem for foundational English learning. It leverages interactive gamified activities, bilingual digital content and a chatbot and allows educators to prepare, assess and use contextual digital content to facilitate language learning with ease.


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Updated March 2024
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Students early
Target group
Our mission is to revolutionize English language education for nearly 300,000 students nationwide and beyond. We envision a future where foundational English proficiency is achieved organically, free from rigid teaching methods, where English is enjoyed as a language and not feared as a subject. Our program, with tech-driven tools will foster equal English learning opportunities for all students.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

English literacy is a critical 21st century skill, yet 76% of Grade 5 students and 44% of students in higher Grades can't read Grade 2 level English texts, with government schools bearing the brunt at 83%. (ASER, 2022)
Our innovation “Enjoy English” is to revolutionize English language learning to bridge the English literacy gap in India and beyond, particularly in underserved communities.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Enjoy English utilizes interactive tablet-based gamified activities and curated digital content to facilitate English language learning for students, while also supporting educators with low English proficiency skills. Our theory of change is to ensure that students feel confident to use the language in academics, work and life and grow into confident users of the language. Rooted in Madhi Foundation's core beliefs of Accessibility, Context, Inclusivity, and Outcome Focus, the program offers level-based activities, bilingual instruction, contextual immersion, scaffolded learning, and outcome-oriented assessments.Regular formative assessments enable educators to monitor student progress to analyze overall outcomes Through high-tech and low-tech solutions, including a synchronized app for students, educators, and administrators, the children by the end of 100 days are expected to;
Listen to stories of 75-100 word,
Speak 3-5 sentences
Read 25 words per minute

How has it been spreading?

A pilot was conducted in 2022-23, focusing on grades 2 and 3 in government schools in Chennai involving 5 educators and 335 learners. The study demonstrated that Enjoy English students exhibited more than double the proficiency in speaking skills compared to their peers and improvement in reading abilities as well. In 2024-25, we aim to reach 20 schools and 3500 students and customize our content in 5 regional languages.
As an organisation, we have scaled our Foundational Learning Programme from 5 schools to 37,000 schools in a span of just five years impacting over 2.7 million children in India. Hence, we will be leveraging our experience of delivering large scale programmes to scale the Enjoy English programme.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

We can organise a demo and run through of the app and explain the teacher and student experience

Implementation steps

Step 1: Onboarding and Initiation
1. Onboarding process initiated with the school administration.
2. Infrastructure set up for the tablet lab with tablets, smart TV and wifi connectivity in the school
3. Training for educators on how to navigate and use the Enjoy English app. It covers features such as lesson preparation, conducting classes, accessing assessment tools, and monitoring student progress.
4. Baseline Assessment will be conducted for each student to understand the initial proficiency levels.
Step 2: Rollout and Classroom Integration
1. Account Creation for admin, educators and students. Each educator is provided with unique login credentials.
2. Enjoy English Session Planning: To seamlessly integrate Enjoy English classes with the regular school timetable, teachers allocate 2 hours/sessions per week for each grade.
3. Students actively engage with the app by participating in gamified activities, completing assignments, and exploring the interactive learning features.
Step 3: Monitoring and Feedback Loop
1. Classroom Observations to regularly obtain and incorporate learnings from the field and stakeholders.
2. Continuous Learning Data Collection, including user engagement, pain points and student performance for adapting content and improving the learning experience.
3. Setting up a Feedback Loop to encourage the school admin and educators to use the performance dashboards and provide specific attention and support to students who need it.
Step 4: Year-end Assessments and Learning
1. Endline Assessments to understand student progress
2. Data analysis to understand product improvement metrics and initiate revisions

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