Teachers are the key to 21st Century education. Future Class Network have proved that by developing training programs and nurturing 140 instructors based on the successful experiences of CoP teachers. In terms of future competency education, it is essential to transition to student-led participation classes whereby student-centered teaching techniques are disseminated despite the COVID-19
FCN Developed, accumulated, and secured successful experiences which illuminate the teaching methods and interactive blended learning experiences in response to COVID-19. And accumulated an online interactive training experience for 17,500 Korean teachers. An effectiveness study on 1,800 teachers who participated in the Future Class Network’s Ministry of Education official online job training reveals the comprehensive improvement of future education capabilities. The Ministry of Education and the Education Office’s large-scale interactive teacher training A total of 17,500 people as of January 2021.
FCN Compiled teacher training video content on responses to COVID-19. These were training content based on the teaching experience of CoP teachers CoP More than 150 clips as of December 2020. Strengthening teachers’ future education competencies to overcome the COVID-19 crisis through online classes, and proliferate offline-based blended techniques
which foster the growth of master teachers.
Master teachers have gotten opportunity to enhance the online class competency capacity for Azerbaijan teachers in order to overcome the challenges brought forth by COVID-19.
Providing online training techniques to Azerbaijani teachers to combat the COVID-19 situation and lay the foundation for continued growth and enhancement of future education class competency.
Contact to camp@futureclass.net and just let us know your needs. Talk about future competency for teachers and students, set courseworks just as you need with master teachers in Korea, blended learning and seminars, anything would be possible.