What we do?
We generate, disseminate and preserve lessons and stories of researchers in the ECD sector to provide a collaborative platform to share their unique experiences, creating an innovative dialogue while preserving knowledge. To encourage ECD practitioners, educators and parents to engage with evidence based discussion related to child development and learning.
Endorsed by Department of Social Work, Stellenbosch University
Produced by Ward Wide Music, Cape Town
Why we do it?
Technology has begun to play a significant role in the approach towards preserving knowledge and sharing it with others. If South Africa hopes to have success as an innovative and inclusive society, we have to create platforms for learning which not only engage civil society with social issues but link them to practical solutions. By creating a free podcast on a multitude of platforms, this project aims to benefit society by covering a range of social topics from ECD to health and parent support and social development. These topics may be adjusted and adapted depending on speaker availability and opportunity to feature relevant topics to the issues facing South Africans. The podcast has the potential to continue to relate to research, practitioners and the general public as we link research to the work in a meaningful way.