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7 Connection Gateways pedagogy (c)

Making education work for change: a unique pedagogy to teach and explore with nature

More than ever, children miss nature connection. For their physical, emotional, social well-being, but also for their cognitive development, to think creatively, to improve their school results... and simply to experience what their world is made of. There is an urgent need to provide nature-based education, founded on an pedagogy which takes into account the specificities of this generation.


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Updated September 2021
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"It's not just about recognising bird songs, it's about imagining what they mean and how we go about communicating our messages in our lives."

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Children’s relationship with nature is now based on a range of emotions, from ignorance to distress, and the belief that any contact could be harmful to themselves… and to nature! At a time when there is great pressure to deliver environmental education, it is time to rebalance children's relationship to their milieu and make it a holistic way of learning, connected with their school curriculum.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The 7 connection gateways © is a pedagogy based on education WITH nature. The 7 connection gateways (7 C.G.) are paths we take to create a connection between the inner world of the child and nature.

This outdoor teaching pedagogy uses different access points to meet the child’s initial affinity and to gently reduce their reluctance to spend time in nature. Each of these 7 C.G. leads the child to explore and then to wonder at nature, but also to deeply learn life skills, SELs skills and school concepts.

Students can expand their horizons and curiosity towards the other gateways, gradually connecting in a deep and lasting way with the living world.

Between them, these 7 C.G. take account of the curriculum, talents and know-how of most teachers & educators. They therefore provide a zone of proximal development for introducing children to nature.

The pedagogy leads experienced educators to extend and consolidate their outdoor education, their impact and their own connection to nature.

How has it been spreading?

Through our programmes, especially those conducted for international primary schools of Amsterdam, we have gained over 11000 hours of child-nature connection using the 7 C.G. pedagogy. Students have learned life skills, as well as academic concepts in math, science, language, art... What they learned from nature, about concepts such as waves, colours, measurement, balance... remained engraved in their heads.

More than that, we have been able to witness first hand the growing desire of teachers to educate with nature, but also their constraints to do so themselves.

After a successful pilot to train educators in Leo Lagrange, a French institution, the pedagogy is now being taught to educators and teachers in primary schools in Europe, with the support of a strong growing community.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

For teachers and educators, who want to:
- develop the connection between children and the living world
- enrich their pedagogical approach with inquiry, place-based learning
- provide effective environmental education
- match the PYP / IB curriculum expectations
- get educational tools on nature-based education

Support & coaching:


"Educators believe that 75% of students…
"It takes a village to raise a child."
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Empathy, a core life-skill from nature-based education
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Early child development: Body of knowledge - Nature
Breaking the barriers!
Find the nature around you, wherever you are
How the Connection Gateways work together
💡 How is the 7 Connection Gateways pedagogy (c) linked with IB Curriculum? 💡 More and more teachers are convinced that it is good for their students to regularly explore the outdoors to improve their ability to concentrate or learn about nature. Yet a few of them (16%*) believe that this can enhance their curriculum. In fact, our 7 Connection Gateways© Pedagogy has strong links to the primary school curriculum, including the IB PYP. Let's take the example of our exploration about the dark colours of nature in winter: We first explored the local nature around us with the young students, focusing on black and dark colours and wondering, for example, at magpie feathers. Then, inspired by the artistic work of Pierre Soulages (a contemporary artist who painted amazing canvases to explore the black colour), we also wanted to create our own black (land)art. To do this, we used what nature around us had to offer, and we allowed ourselves to put into words what we liked, disliked and felt. As well as exploring artistic expression, we allowed ourselves to practice our approach to patterns - that being said, we could have had an excellent opportunity to explore symmetry, measurements or multiplication. But most of all, this was an amazing opportunity for us to deeply inquire: - What is really black? - How do dark colours behave? What happens when they are lit by sunlight, or when you put water on them? How does this dark chestnut look when placed next to an even darker stone? - Why do some of us see a black colour, while others see a less dark colour? (and what persuasive word will you choose to convince the other that's really black?) More generally, by exploring tree balance versus wind strength, echo-location or the tightness and depth of a river bed from a real living situation, starting with direct experience of our body and emotions, we offer the students a powerful sensory integration of litteracy, maths, science or art primary programmes. IB learners are inquirers, knowledgeable, communicator, open minded, reflective… so do the 7 Connection Gateways explorers! *According to a survey of 38 teachers, conducted by Naya Nature Foundation in partnership with the international primary school / May 2021
7 Connection Gateways Pedagogy (c)
🍃What are the benefits of nature-based education and 7 Connection Gateways Pedagogy (c)?
Training 100 Nature-Mediators to connect the new generation
La nature au secours de l'humanité - Will nature save our kids? | Aurélia CHEVREUL-GAUD | TEDxAnnecy
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