Oral-Aural Communication has been fundamental not only for educational success but mainly for theevolutionary development of Humanity, however, there are aspects of oral-aural communication that must be researched in-depth to have more efficient results in the context of a new revolutionary pedagogical approach for the 21st Century.
Traditionally Educational-AffectiveCommunicationlacks the knowledge of constitutive elements of Aural Intelligence.The use and modulation of the parameters;Pitch, Tone, Height, and Intensity, as well as Rhythm,will enrich the development of Affective and Educational Communicationif they are initiated in the earliest stages.
Repetitive intonation and regional accents are used and effective for social acceptance but not inEducational-Affective Communication. This proposal is directed to the knowledge and training of the ORAL EXPRESSIONfrom a very different approach of singers and actors because their purposes are fundamentally different.
The investigation, knowledge, and training ofAural Intelligence will make us more conscious of what it is above, below, before, and after THE WORDSto achieve better results inEducational and Affective Communication at home and school.
Listen, Listen... Listen Yourself!