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Wise: Emotional Fitness

Improving the emotional fitness of educators, parents and students from the inside out.

You know how 93% of teachers want a greater focus on SEL in schools? Well Wise: Emotional Fitness helps school communities that want to train students, parents, and teachers by reducing barriers to learning whilst increasing engagement and retention. An immersive social emotional learning program designed to cultivate emotional fitness from the inside-out.


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Updated April 2021
Web presence




All students
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Integrating the Wise program into the Union City High School curriculum has helped us support the emotional needs of our staff and students as we slowly return to a hybrid form of education.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

To teach practical skills for regulating emotions, reducing impulsive behaviours and making better decisions. To provide participants with a strong understanding of the key emotion regulation concepts, which are founded in evidence-based research and contemporary teaching strategies. Like learning to throw a ball or riding a bike, this method allows individuals to explore, experience and practice.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Wise approaches learning from the Inside-Out to equip participants with
the practical skills to build strong connections from themselves (Inside) to
others and the world around them (Outside).

This is enhanced by the blended learning context whereby learning within
VR (Inside) is reinforced through the verbal and written self-reflective
process, and teaching others the techniques (Outside). A 9-week program,
with one lesson a week, each lesson running between 45-minutes to 1.5
hours with a VR headset and respective guide book in hand.

How has it been spreading?

Customer referrals, listeners of certain podcasts, conferences, public forums, as well as through lead generation programs of work.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

For those of you across Europe, head to and complete the form provided.

For those of you across North America head to and complete the form provided.

For others, head to to set up your demonstration.

Spread of the innovation

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