School Leaders need to undertake improvement projects to enhance learning environments, which can be daunting and discourage them. In order to equip 4.5 million leaders of India who are responsible for improving the quality of education in 1.5 million schools with diverse contexts, a solution was required with a repository of easy-to-do projects with an option to personalise and plan their own.
School leaders access a repository of projects from the Improvement tool and they either undertake or personalise it, basis the shifts or initiatives they want to introduce to enhance the school/ classroom/ community environment and impact student outcomes.
This tool can be easily accessed by any school, on the government's national education infrastructure DIKSHA and works smoothly even with low internet speed. It is free, available in the local language. Being open source, offline first and low tech, it can be used by the leaders when they need it - irrespective of their gender, age and qualifications, what matters is their intention to improve. Organisations and education departments also design (personalise) and implement their programs using the tool, ensuring amplification at a national/ state scale. For instance, currently Ministry of Education of India is using it to build the foundational literacy & numeracy skills across 160000 schools across the country
Since the introduction of the tool, education leaders across four states have undertaken 26294 different improvement projects to enhance the student outcomes in their school. This has been possible because of its adoption in the national education digital infrastructure. Currently, it is being employed by the Ministry of Education, India to build the foundational literacy & numeracy skills across 160000 schools and will soon be rolled out for all 1500000 schools in the country.
In the next three years, we want to scale the tool for a country wide adoption with 4.5 million leaders with an average count of 1 million improvements per month- nationwide
The tool is open source, scalable and reusable. Several programs have been designed on top it.
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