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Play Based Learning Observation Tool (P-BLOT)

Bridging the gap between knowledge and practice in child-led learning environments

The Play-Based Learning Observation Tool (P-BLOT) is designed to bridge the gap between the belief of child-centred learning and the practical implementation of these principles in everyday classrooms. The P-BLOT empowers school leaders and coaches to support teachers, ensuring classroom practices align with evidence-based child-centered learning, enhancing student engagement and outcomes.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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December 2024
8K 2024
The P-BLOT empowers teachers to implement child-centered learning with practical support. It shifts teachers from a dictatorial, traditional pedagogy to facilitators of agentic learning, supporting engagement and autonomy. This approach improves all student outcomes and boosts teacher wellbeing and professional satisfaction by aligning daily practices with child-led learning principles.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The P-BLOT is the outcome of doctoral level research (Aiono, 2020) investigating the the gap between knowing about child-centred practices and their practical implementation by classroom teachers. Traditional teaching models position the teacher as the expert, but the P-BLOT supports teachers to notice, recognise and respond to student interest and inquiry with confidence in their classrooms.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The P-BLOT is a resource that includes teacher professional development on four key practice areas: Cultural Connection and Practices; The Learning Environment; Teacher Behaviour and Overall Teacher Practices. In each practice area, there are observable, measurable practice indicators described in a 5-point Likert scale, enabling school leaders and professional development coaches to gather observational data of strengths and opportunities for further teacher practice growth. A fifth section identifies counter-productive practices implemented in the classroom that may limit the opportunity for student agency and child-centred learning experiences to occur. Supplementary resources include self-reflection tools and teaching resources. In combination these enable a teacher to identify what they are doing well and what areas they need further support in, to ensure they are providing an opportunity for child-led learning that aligns with relevant principles and evidence.

How has it been spreading?

We have been implementing the P-BLOT professional development approach across New Zealand in over 100 schools, and reaching over 2000 teachers since 2018. In 2023, we undertook a 2-year research project to review the P-BLOT in relation to indigenous models of play, and are in the final stages of creating a culturally responsive P-BLOT model that supports indigenous play in New Zealand. In 2024-2025 we have begun supporting schools in South Australia, Queensland, and school divisions in British Columbia and Saskatchewan, Canada. We are partnering in a 2-year project with The Opentree Foundation to train their play practitioner team in the use of an Adapted P-BLOT framework across 95 schools (400+ teachers) in Mumbai, India and exploring research opportunities in Ghana and Nigeria in 2025.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Contact us at Longworth Education to discuss how we can train and contexutalise the P-BLOT to your setting! The P-BLOT is adaptable across school curriculums and contexts, and we have professional development and support available to assist schools, districts, government to implement the resources in order to raise the quality of teaching practices in child-centred learning environments.

Implementation steps

P-BLOT Baseline Data Collection
The P-BLOT is used to analyse the teacher(s) current practice strengths and areas for growth opportunity by the observer(s). Teachers are observed across all 5 practice areas, and data identifies limited, developing or strong evidence of child-centred teaching practices. This data is presented in graphed diagrams and reviewed to identify practice strengths across the team. One - two areas of growth are identified as the first point of support for the professional development process.
Teacher Self Reflection: Practice Implementation Checklists
Teachers are asked to completed the supplementary resource: Practice Implementation Checklists (PIC) to identify what they believe to be their strengths and areas of growth opportunity. This tool enables coaches and school leaders to identify any alignment or disconnect between what teachers believe and what they are doing practically in their classrooms with their students.
Goal Setting and Review
Teacher(s) and coach(es) meet to discuss the data collected in Steps 1 and 2. During this meeting, the strengths identified in the baseline data are shared with the teacher and celebrated. Any challenges or barriers to the implementation of child-centred learning is discussed and agreement reached on the next steps the teacher will undertake to implement new practices or adjust to align with more child-centred principles. A SMART goal is recorded, resources provided and a date for review set.
Cyclical Goal Review Process
Teacher(s) and coach(es) move through iterations of action plan implementation reviews. A minimum cycle of review is approximately 1 year. The Coach conducts focused observation of the classroom followed by a debrief session over a fortnightly - monthly period. Various coaching strategies are used to support practice changes. Action plan goals are reviewed and celebrated, with new ones established as practices continue to strengthen. Children's learning experiences are celebrated and shared.
Additional Practice and Knowledge Support
In addition to in-classroom teacher support, coach(es) will also provide knowledge-building sessions for school leaders, policy makers, parents and communities. These will be in the form of presentations, workshops, webinars, casual meetings and community events. At the heart of these meetings sits the desire to celebrate children's learning. These are tailored to suit the needs of the community, informed by the data collected in the P-BLOT and subsequent classroom observation sessions.
Summative P-BLOT Data Collection
When the professional development support comes to an end, a final P-BLOT data collection is undertaken to identify the shifts in practice that have occurred across the implementation period. This data is used in a celebratory way with all involved, acknowledging the hard work of the teachers in reflecting on and implementing new teaching practices. Child-learning outcomes are also examined and celebrated with the wider community. Further learning is shared and future objectives identified.

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