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لنحلّق معًا - مع قصصجيّة

ابتكاري هو إيجاد بيئة تعليمية بسيطة ومتوفرة عند الجميع وهي عن طريق قراءة القصص للأطفال واليافعين، فمن خلال القصص سيتعلّم الأطفال حلَ المشكلات بطريقة غير مباشرة. وأيضًا من خلال عمل ورشات تفاعلية بعد القراءات القصصيّة من خلال طرح الأسئلة وعمل ورشات فنيّة وفلسفيّة للأطفال. وحاليًا أردّت توسيع مبادرتي بإطلاق مبادرة فرعيّة عنوانها: "قصّة وحصيرة"، خصوصًا بعد الأوضاع التي تجتاح بعض البلاد.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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May 2024
Through Qesasjeh, the overarching change we hope to see in education is a transformation in the way children engage with reading and learning. Specifically, we aim to achieve the following outcomes: Increased Literacy Rates: We aspire to contribute to higher literacy rates among children, especially in underserved communities where access to books and educational resources may be limited. By maki

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

I created Qesasjeh to make reading accessible to all children worldwide. Seeing how reading transforms lives, I noticed not every child has the same opportunity. Qesasjeh aims to change that.
At its heart, Qesasjeh is about spreading the joy of reading through innovative methods. We use interactive read-aloud sessions and puppets to engage kids, making stories come alive. By doing so, we foster a

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In practice, Qesasjeh is a multi-faceted approach to making reading accessible and enjoyable for children around the world. Here's what it looks like:

Interactive Read-Aloud Sessions: Qesasjeh conducts interactive read-aloud sessions in various settings, such as schools, community centers, and libraries. During these sessions, skilled facilitators engage children by reading aloud from captivating storybooks while encouraging participation and discussion. By incorporating interactive elements like asking questions, encouraging predictions, and fostering group discussions, these sessions not only enhance comprehension but also cultivate a love for storytelling and reading.
Use of Puppets: Qesasjeh incorporates the use of puppets to enhance engagement and interaction during storytelling sessions. Puppets serve as friendly characters that interact with both the storyteller and the children, adding an element of fun and creativity to the experience. Through puppet-led conversations, childr

How has it been spreading?

Qesasjeh has been spreading through a combination of grassroots efforts, partnerships, and digital outreach. Here's how:

Local Community Engagement: Qesasjeh has been actively engaging with local communities by organizing storytelling sessions, workshops, and events in schools, libraries, community centers, and other public spaces. These on-the-ground efforts have helped to raise awareness about Qesasjeh's mission and reach children who may not have easy access to books or storytelling activities.
Partnerships with Organizations: Qesasjeh has forged partnerships with schools, NGOs, literacy organizations, and other relevant stakeholders to expand its reach and impact. By collaborating with like-minded organizations, Qesasjeh has been able to leverage existing networks and resources to rea

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If you're interested in trying out Qesasjeh, here are some steps you can take:

Explore Qesasjeh's Resources: Start by exploring Qesasjeh's website and social media channels to learn more about their mission, programs, and initiatives. Take a look at the storytelling videos on their YouTube channel to get a sense of their storytelling style and content.
Attend a Storytelling Session or Workshop: C

Implementation steps

1-Explore Qesasjeh's Resources:
Begin by exploring Qesasjeh's website and social media channels to familiarize yourself with their mission, programs, and initiatives. Take time to watch some of their storytelling videos on platforms like YouTube to get a sense of their storytelling style and content.
2-Identify Target Audience:
Determine the target audience for implementing Qesasjeh in your community or organization. Consider factors such as age group, language preference, and specific needs or interests of the children you'll be engaging with.
3-Plan Storytelling Sessions:
Decide on the format and schedule for your storytelling sessions. Consider whether you'll be hosting sessions in-person or online, the duration of each session, and any additional activities or engagement strategies you'd like to incorporate.
4-Gather Materials
ollect the necessary materials for your storytelling sessions, including storybooks, puppets, props, and any other resources or supplies you'll need. Make sure to choose stories that are age-appropriate, engaging, and culturally relevant to your audience.
5-Prepare Storytelling Space:
Set up a comfortable and inviting space for your storytelling sessions, whether it's a classroom, community center, or online platform. Arrange seating arrangements, lighting, and audiovisual equipment as needed to enhance the storytelling experience.
6-Engage Participants:
Engage participants in interactive storytelling activities that encourage active participation, discussion, and reflection. Use techniques such as asking open-ended questions, encouraging predictions, and facilitating group discussions to deepen children's engagement with the stories.
7-Encourage Creativity and Expression:
Create opportunities for children to express their creativity and imagination through storytelling-related activities, such as drawing, writing, or role-playing. Provide space for children to share their own stories and ideas, fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment.
8-Collect Feedback
Gather feedback from participants after each storytelling session to assess the effectiveness of your approach and identify areas for improvement. Encourage children to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas about the stories they heard and the activities they participated in.
9-Reflect and Adapt:
Reflect on your experiences and insights from implementing Qesasjeh and make any necessary adjustments or adaptations to your approach. Consider feedback from participants, observations from your sessions, and best practices in storytelling and literacy promotion.
10-Spread the Word:
Share your experiences and successes with Qesasjeh with others in your community or organization. Encourage others to get involved by hosting their own storytelling sessions, volunteering with Qesasjeh, or supporting literacy initiatives in their local area. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively put Qesasjeh into practice and create meaningful experiences for children that promote literacy, creativity, and lifelong learning.

Spread of the innovation

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