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100% Readiness for life in the modern world. SOFT- SKILLS and wellbeing course for 12-24 y.o.

SOFT- SKILLS, life skills, wellbeing, awareness, philosophy, habits, Critical thinking.

I want to give teens everything they need to know themselves (Delphic temple inscription), find the seeds of giftedness within themselves, and learn how to live in a VUCA - world. So in 2022-2023 I created a course on SOFT-SKILLS but not limited to. It's like an ancient Greek or Roman philosophy school. I believe that every child has the seeds of genius, and our task is to nurture them.


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Web presence






Target group
Students early
March 2024
I HAVE A DREAM!!! From 2013 for the last 10 years, I have been helping young people to find their career paths, passions, and dreams. I want to give teens everything they need to know themselves (Delphic temple inscription), find the seeds of giftedness within themselves, and learn how to live in a VUCA - world.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

"One day I was asked by friends of my parents, 'Talk to my son. Without realizing it, I became a mentor for the first time and drew and wrote on a blank piece of paper what has become "Shcheglov School" - an educational project and course for a fulfilled life. The course was originally created for teenagers (12-24+).

What does your innovation look like in practice?

It's ON-LINE & OFFLINE course:
I regularly teach classes with teens and send them course materials and assignments.

The value of this course and my contribution is that I systematically and consistently describe necessary life disciplines and skills that are little spoken about and seriously underestimated. These disciplines and practical tools as critical thinking, inner circle (5 most important people for us), building habits, emotional intelligence, psychology, entrepreneurial and start-up activities, the art of communication, digital hygiene, the benefits of keeping a calendar and diary, best practices for learning foreign languages, and so forth.

How has it been spreading?

FF - Friends, Family and I have more than 5000 contacts in LikedIn, FB and Telegram.
I also have my education channel in Telegram

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Just visit

Implementation steps

Explore the materials on the website step-by-step
The coherent learning of the course from basic things to practical tools - will help you to live a healthy and energetic life, interact effectively with other people and discover the "seeds of giftedness" in yourself. You can study the lessons in any order. Still, it is better to move sequentially from the basic things to specific tools for knowing yourself and exploring the modern world.
Make assignments at the end of each lesson.
Theory without practice is dead.
Watch the video and make journal entries.
1. What did you understand? 2. How will I apply it? 3. Who will I tell about it - at least 3 people.

Spread of the innovation

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