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Learn Computer Science while watching TV, and enjoying fun and learning activities with TeleCuantrix

The pandemic of COVID-19 brought with it new educational challenges such as creating content that will help kids and youth continue their education in distance modality. This is why we decided to create TeleCuantrix, a program that seeks to reach as many people as possible to teach them Computer Science and coding through TV and digital platforms, with short and entertaining videos.


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Updated November 2020
Web presence




All students
Target group
"Coding is the language of the future"

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Due to the pandemic the “Aprende en Casa” program was implemented in México. With this program the government is trying to reach as many kids and youth as possible so they can continue with their studies, even if they do not have a computer or connectivity. This is why we decided to create this program where kids and youth could learn computer science through short videos shared on national TV.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

It consists of kids and youth turning on the TV and synchronising the correct channel to watch the 5 minutes long videos where they can learn the basic concepts of computer science, depending on their school leve,l and also do activities connected or disconnected that will help them in their learning process. The explain the activity that they have to do and the basic concepts so they can later do it by themselves or with the help of their parents, siblings, friends or family. Each video has at least 1 or 2 activities that engage the children in computer science and teach them through playing and having fun. Nowadays kids and youth can also find the videos in digital platforms such as youtube and BLIM.

How has it been spreading?

TeleCuantrix started just being transmitted on national TV through the “Aprende en casa” and “Verano divertido” programs, after that it escalated quickly. Now all the videos are shown in youtube, also in the transmission catalogue of the BLIM platform, and internationally through SER TV channel in Panama and Educa TV channel in Chile. It has been spreading out thanks to TV agencies and the interest of companies in this program.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Right now you first need to look for the videos on the digital platforms such as youtube and BLIM, just writing on the searching space "TeleCuantrix", then select the level you want to take, after that play the video and finally do the activities shown in the video. An that is it you are ready to and you have already started learning Computer Science and coding.