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19.4.2019 | Pukhraj Ranjan

Why learning games are great for personalized learning and assessment? | Mira Kekarainen | HundrED

Join Mira Kekarainen from SEPPO (Finland) as she goes live on the HundrED Facebook Page to share why games are great for personalized learning and assessment.

This video first appeared on our Facebook page on April 17th, as part of the HundrED WEBday series.


Who is Mira Kekarainen?

Mira Kekarainen is Head of Business Development at She has a master’s degree in Marketing and Business from Aalto University, Helsinki, and a degree in Solution Focused Coaching from Helsinki University +. Mira grew up singing and playing music as part of her basic and upper secondary education, and music and arts have affected her view of the world. Mira is also a mom of two kids. Having a kid with learning challenges has taught Mira a lot about the importance of finding ways to support all types of learners. Mira has worked in many different fields during her career, but with the solution-focused approach, she has found a passion for positive psychology within education. She believes that every child can flourish and learn when given the possibility to use their strengths and receiving the right kind of encouragement. In her spare time, Mira does different sports, sings in a choir and spends time with her kids.


HundrED WEBdays take place weekly via Facebook Live and we invite everyone to actively participate in the conversation! You can access the webinars by joining the HundrED Facebook page. Contact our Global Community Manager, Pukhraj Ranjan, for more information: