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20.12.2018 | Ryan Coon & Arielle Evans |

Meet your guides to the HundrED Spotlight in Pittsburgh

Greetings from Pittsburgh, USA! We’ve just launched the HundrED Spotlight in our community, so let’s get acquainted.

Greetings from Pittsburgh, USA where we’ve just launched a HundrED Spotlight. HundrED is a global community, but the Spotlight is a local initiative. So we thought it would be good to get everyone acquainted and try to build some intercontinental connections around our shared interest in the future of learning.

First things first, who are we? We’re Ryan Coon and Arielle Evans, two humans living in the city of Pittsburgh. We’re the team behind Root + All and your local guides to the HundrED Spotlight on Pittsburgh. For the HundrED community, we’re here to help you get to know our city and its people. For Pittsburghers, we’re here to help you connect with the global community that HundrED has built to help share and spread innovations that are making a difference in how children learn, grow, and flourish.

And what’s Pittsburgh? It’s a city of about 300,000 people in the state of Pennsylvania, USA. It’s at the heart of a metropolitan region that spans 3 states and encompasses a few million people. We’ll share more about our city and its people in future articles, but for now the thing to know is that like a lot of mid-sized American cities, Pittsburgh is in the midst of reinventing itself from its post-industrial present to its innovation-powered future—especially when it comes to how we educate young people in our region.

This makes Pittsburgh the perfect place for a HundrED Spotlight. Educators in Pittsburgh have been pushing the boundaries of innovation for more than a decade under the banner of Remake Learning. Remake Learning is a regional network of educators, innovators, and other stakeholders working together “to ignite engaging, relevant, and equitable learning practices in support of young people navigating rapid social and technological change.”

Remake Learning is an important partner in the HundrED Spotlight and members of the Remake Learning network are our primary source for local innovations in education. Luckily, the network is huge! It encompasses more than 500 organizations including schools, museums, libraries, community centers, colleges and universities, edtech startups, workforce training programs, and more.  

How the Spotlight Works

Members of the Remake Learning network have until March 15, 2019 to submit innovations for consideration. Then, HundrED’s research team and a local advisory committee of Pittsburghers will select the 10 most inspiring, impactful, and scalable innovations from the bunch to create the HundrED Spotlight collection on Pittsburgh.

The 10 selected innovations will be featured on the HundrED platform and highlighted in a comprehensive report of the Pittsburgh Spotlight. They’ll also be featured in professionally produced videos and invited to the annual 3-day HundrED Innovation Summit in Helsinki, Finland in November 2019.

Get help with your submission

If you’re in the Pittsburgh region and you’ve got an inspiring innovation to share with the world, we want to hear about it!

Starting in January 2019, we’re hosting  a series of in-person, hands-on support sessions to help people make their best possible pitch to HundrED.

Click on the dates below to sign up for any of these free sessions:

In the meantime, the best ways to stay involved are:
