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7.12.2018 |

HundrED Pittsburgh Spotlight Announced

In 2019, HundrED is shining a spotlight on the educators and innovators who are doing extraordinary things to help students in southwestern Pennsylvania and northern West Virginia flourish. The HundrED Spotlight Pittsburgh will identify ten inspiring innovations from the Pittsburgh region and share them with the world.

We're delighted to announce the launch of the HundrED Spotlight on Pittsburgh, USA, to shine a light on education innovation forged in the Steel City.

For more than a decade, educators in the Pittsburgh region have been taking risks, reaching higher, and pushing the limits of learning. In partnership with The Grable Foundation and Remake Learning, the HundrED Spotlight Pittsburgh will shine a light on the educators and innovators doing extraordinary things to help students in the region to flourish.

“At HundrED, we truly believe the purpose of education is to help every child flourish, and innovations in education are happening every day,” explains Lasse Leponiemi, CEO. “By spotlighting specific locations like Pittsburgh, we’re able to identify and elevate education innovations with the potential to scale, and inspire a grassroots movement across the world.”

We invite organizations, school districts, and individuals who are members of the Remake Learning network to submit their education innovation for consideration. Membership to the network is free. All submissions are thoroughly researched and must meet HundrED’s strict criteria of being impactful, scalable, and innovative, and will be vetted by a committee of local experts.

All submissions will undergo HundrED’s thorough research process and a local advisory board will select 10 of the most impactful, scalable, and innovative ideas from the Pittsburgh region and share them with the world. Participating in the HundrED Spotlight Pittsburgh will allow participants to make authentic connections with educators, schools, students and partners, building their understanding of innovation in order to help improve education at scale.

“The future of our city depends on harnessing the innovative potential of our people, and that starts with education. The HundrED Spotlight Pittsburgh is an opportunity to show our commitment to raising and educating the next generation of innovators.”

“The future of our city depends on harnessing the innovative potential of our people, and that starts with education, ” said Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto. “The HundrED Spotlight Pittsburgh is an opportunity to show our commitment to raising and educating the next generation of innovators.”

“Pittsburgh has been a preeminent hub for education innovation for the past decade, and we’re excited to partner with HundrED and Remake Learning to recognize and celebrate the inspiring work taking place in our region,” said Gregg Behr, executive director of The Grable Foundation. “The HundrED Spotlight Pittsburgh will elevate our regional education changemakers who take risks in their classrooms and schools, engaging their students in meaningful experiences and pushing the limits of learning.”

The 10 selected innovations will be featured on the HundrED platform and highlighted in a comprehensive report of the Pittsburgh Spotlight. They’ll also be featured in professionally produced videos and invited to the annual 3-day HundrED Innovation Summit in Helsinki, Finland in November 2019.

The call for submissions is now open, and we’re inviting regional K12 innovators to submit their education innovations by March 15, 2019. The selected innovations will be announced in May, 2019, and the online collection of innovations featuring videos and reports will launch in September 2019.

The Pittsburgh Spotlight team will host several information sessions in the region in early 2019 to answer questions, provide feedback on drafts, and assist with submissions. Click here to sign up to receive email updates about these opportunities. For more information on the HundrED Spotlight Pittsburgh or to submit your education innovation, visit

photo: Ben Filio for Remake Learning
