The Comparative International Education Society Conference (CIES) is an annual conference meeting that brings together researchers, analysts, practitioners, and students from universities, research institutes, government departments, NGOs, and multilateral agencies across the globe. CIES members explore a variety of education issues from cross-disciplinary perspectives. This year, the conference theme is the Power of Protest, highlighting education as a public and political act.
What do you hope to gain from the conference?
CIES is always a great opportunity to connect with other researchers, innovators, and practitioners who share a passion for improving education in their contexts and around the world. We are looking forward to learning about new trends, and current research in education globally. The theme of the conference this year is about the power of protest, with an invitation for participants to dialogue about how we “engage with, and think generatively about, the histories, curriculum, theories and methodologies, and pedagogies that guide acts of protest” in education. Change in education has often come through resistance to the status quo, and we are interested in learning more about how other innovators, researchers, teachers, activists, programme developers or organisers are doing to disrupt injustice and inequality in education globally.
Why is it important for HundrED to be attending CIES now?
As HundrED continues to carry out its Research Agenda, under Pillar 1 of the HundrED Implementation Centre, we are eager to use the time at CIES to learn from others on key topics, such as innovation implementation at scale and resourcing education. We are especially excited to learn about new research on the topics we have been researching at HundrED, like wellbeing in schools, social emotional learning, climate resilience and education in emergencies.
Where will you be presenting?
The Messy Middle of Implementation at Scale
Wed, March 13, 6:30 to 8:00pm, Hyatt Regency Miami, Floor: Terrace Level, Orchid A
We are excited to be hosting this panel that examines the challenges and opportunities of scaling innovations in education. Our focus will be on navigating the “messy middle” of implementation, inspired by HundrED’s recent publication on the topic. We will also be joined by colleagues from VVOB and Amal Alliance.
Freire and Critical Theorists
Thu, March 14, 1:30 to 2:10pm, Hyatt Regency Miami, Floor: Third Level, Zamora
Join Crystal for the launch of her book Freire and Critical Theorists, published by Bloomsbury Academic. The book draws connections between Paulo Freire and some of the most influential critical scholars of the 20th century. Each chapter pairs Freire with one of eleven critical scholars, such as bell hooks, Iris Young, and Erich Fromm. The book is part of a series edited by Greg William Misiaszek and Carlos Alberto Torres, Freire in Focus. The series of short-format books provide readers a diverse range of Paulo Freire's work and Freireans' reinventions towards social justice both inside and outside education.
If you would like to arrange a meeting with Crystal or Lauren during CIES, please contact
Crystal Green, Research Director, HundrED leads the research team, facilitating the innovation selection process with partners and managing the production of research reports. Crystal has worked as a teacher and researcher internationally in Asia, North America, South America and Europe. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Jyväskylä and a Masters of Education in International Education Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Lauren Ziegler is Senior Education Advisor at HundrED who brings research, policy, and programmatic expertise in the education and global development sectors. She has worked closely with Ministries of Education, non-governmental organisations, educators, and youth in 30 countries on education innovation and community engagement. She holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Illinois.