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Eco-Schools: HundrED Sustainability Spotlight

Eco-Schools encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it ex...

Eco-Schools encourages young people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it. It starts in the classroom, it expands to the school and eventually fosters change in the community at large. Find out more about Eco-Schools here

The HundrED Spotlight on Sustainability highlights the innovative practices happening in education that address this important issue.

We spent nine months researching sustainability in education and identifying the people already making this a priority in their educational settings. Together in partnership with MUSE School, California, and with the help of an expert advisory board, we selected ten innovations which are impactful, address sustainability in a fresh way and have either spread to other settings or have the potential to!

The selected projects were celebrated at the Sustainability Summit in Calabasas in November 2018.