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30.1.2018 |

2018 Is The Year Of Maths At Kahoot!

Looking to invigorate your maths classes? You’re in luck, Kahoot! Is placing particular focus on their maths games in 2018, with 30 new curriculum-aligned games added to their collection.

Looking to invigorate your maths classes? You’re in luck, Kahoot! is placing particular focus on their maths games in 2018, with 30 new curriculum-aligned games added to their collection.

Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes learning a fun, social experience. There are collections of games ready to go on their website or educators can create their own games and share them with their class in minutes!

Teachers can broadcast the games via an interactive whiteboard, where a question will appear. Each learner has a device which they use to interact with the game by selecting a multiple-choice answer, which can be done individually or in groups. In this scenario the teacher almost becomes a game-show host and learning happens naturally and in a fun way.

The goal of Kahoot! this year is to cover as much of the maths curriculum as possible for grades 9-12 and 5-8. If maths isn't your thing, no need to worry as they'll continue to release games for Science, ELA and History.

Want to join in the fun? You're not alone – Kahoot! recently reached 70 million unique monthly active users on their platform. So what are you waiting for? Get involved in Kahoot!'s growing global community and make learning joyful again.

Find out more about incorporating Kahoot! games into your lessons on their innovation page. All the new maths games are ready to go in their math collection.

Check out the video below for Kahoot! classroom games in action:

