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The Resource Portfolio


In this report, we propose resourcing the implementation of innovations at scale through a more holistic approach to how people share and regenerate the energy to enact innovation and sustain quality education. This approach has significant implications for how public and private funders of education might rethink their strategies for resourcing change, particularly by recognizing the diverse types of resources required to support meaningful transformation. We propose five types of resources that, when employed in combination, can sustain the implementation of education innovations at scale: financial, material, social, values, and time resources. Next, we examine ten cases to develop a deeper understanding of how implementation is being resourced when innovations are reaching scale. We specifically look at what drove the innovators to develop their innovation, or their ‘call to action’; who and what resources helped them on their scaling journey; and where they are headed next to secure resources for a sustainable future. We also highlight how the resource categories outlined above (financial, material, social, values, time) show up in the experiences of the innovators. 

Expanding the notion of resources beyond tangible assets, such as capital, is essential for fostering creativity and innovation. Elements like play, empathy, and the joy of nature are often undervalued, but they contribute significantly to the generative process. Moving forward, further research is needed to explore innovative financing mechanisms for smaller organisations, enhance teacher professional development, and better utilise evidence in decision-making. To sustain education innovations at scale, we must recognise and integrate diverse resources, both tangible and intangible, while fostering flexible funding mechanisms. A holistic approach, combining financial support with investments in people, values, and time, is essential for creating meaningful and lasting education transformation. 


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Publication Date
September 20, 2024
Crystal Green, Fares Georges Khalil, Lauren Ziegler, and Ariunkhishig Gonchigdorj
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Green, Crystal, Fares Georges Khalil, Lauren Ziegler, and Ariunkhishig Gonchigdorj. The Resource Portfolio: Maximising Investments in Education Innovation. Helsinki: HundrED, 2024. doi:
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