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Spotlight: Wellbeing in Schools


HundrED’s Spotlight on Wellbeing in Schools report is informed by a body of global research about student wellbeing, but focuses on a comprehensive study International Baccalaureate commissioned from The Wellbeing Research Centre at Oxford University. That report, Wellbeing in Education in Childhood and Adolescence, served as the basis for HundrED’s investigation and call for education innovations that addressed the subjective wellbeing of students via holistic and evidence-based approaches. HundrED’s main partner in this project, International Baccalaureate (IB), is committed to putting into practice evidence-based education programmes that support the healthy holistic development of students. As such, the Spotlight on Wellbeing in Schools was conducted with the goal of identifying education innovations that address challenges to and foster the wellbeing of young people while they are at school. Equally important was the objective of drawing attention to the existing challenges to student wellbeing and barriers to implementing wellbeing practices in schools, as well as giving education innovators, experts, and young people the opportunity to share their insights about effective solutions.

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Publication date
January 15, 2025
Frederika Warren, M. Mariah Voutilainen, and Crystal Green
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Warren, Frederika, M. Mariah Voutilainen, & Crystal Green. Spotlight: Wellbeing in Schools. HundrED, 2024.
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