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Creativity Spotlight: Five Innovation Responses to COVID-19


According to UNESCO, COVID-19 has dramatically impacted over 90% of school education globally this year. In addition to our Creativity Spotlight report with The LEGO Foundation, we believed it important to recognise the impact this crisis has caused these innovations. This supplementary mini-report presents case studies from surveys and interviews on how five of the selected innovators have responded to COVID-19 as a result of widespread school closures. The purpose is to illuminate how a variety of innovations have coped with the challenges they faced (and continue to face), and shed light on the changes/learnings since.

Publication Date
November 04, 2020
Petrie, Christopher, Katija Aladin, and Danny Gililand.
Cite this
Petrie, Christopher, Katija Aladin, and Danny Gililand. Creativity Spotlight: Five Innovation Responses to COVID-19. Helsinki: HundrED, 2020.
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