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place Indonesia

School Search Engine

Parents in Indonesia every year having difficulty to search best school for their children. This application tried to give trusted information about the school including school fee, program, contact etc. With this application we hope that not only parents from Indonesia can find the school but also parents and teacher around the world can see the information about the school in Indonesia


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated May 2023
Web presence




Target group
People can.make clear information about the school, from school fee until after school program. After get information parents can decide which school is the best for their children

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Parents in Indonesia having difficulty to find best school, there are many reason like school don't have social media, web, no information about program, school fee, achievement of the school, school method etc. This application provide all information what parents need, they also can get information about parenting, school curriculum, history of the school and also legal formal status of the sch

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Many parents helped with this application, they can download the information through social media, become member of this application they Will get notice of there ia information direct from the school such as date of enrolment

How has it been spreading?

This application is useful for not only for parents but also for stakeholder and the school for promote and branding model. We hope many followers and subscribers in two or three year. we Will also provide information about scholarship, Collaboration program to graduated students

If I want to try it, what should I do?

They can follow the social media and subscribe the YouTube channel for newest information, for the school they can download the application

Implementation steps
Please Open our social media platform like Instagram and you Will find the information about the school for free
Become Member
Parents and school administrator can joint the program after download the application

Spread of the innovation

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