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Yo Invento

place Chile + 6 more

Desarrollando el joven talento de hoy para enfrentar el desafiante mundo de mañana

The possibilities are infinite. What will you invent? An invention program for school students, Yo Invento provides the opportunities to develop 21st Century Skills as students follow the 7-step engineering design process to identify real-world problems they can solve by designing and prototyping their own inventions and presenting them in the Feria de Inventos, both national and in Latin America.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
May 2022
It is our duty as educators to teach our students how to use their skills and knowledge to succeed in an ever changing and challenging world.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

I was introduced to the idea by Dr. Joseph Renzulli from the University of Connecticut, who is one of the founders of the Connecticut Invention Convention. As a science educator, I loved the idea of developing a STEM project in Chile, promoting creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication. This project reaches out to rural communities and promotes gender equality.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Learnes identify a problem which they would like to solve and are guided through the engineering design process to design their invention, build a prototype, iterate, then present their results in a Feria de Inventos in front of a jury. During the Yo Invento course, the learners are encouraged to solve certain challenges, to think critically and creatively, to work collaboratively and to communicate their thoughts and results. They are introduced to certain key concepts such as micro-processing systems and sensors, mechanical processes, Artificial Intelligence and biomimicry to give them a solid foundation for inventing. We train teachers in the areas of STEM to help them with their everyday teaching. Finally, through our global partners, we participate in online global innovation events, broadening the horizons of our learners, giving them the opportunity to become more culturally aware, to work collaboratively in a global context and to practice their English communication skills.

How has it been spreading?

2019: 7 schools, 5 comunes in Los Ríos Region, 150 students (10-14) & 12 teachers.
2020: 16 teachers trained online, 30 students in Chile, 18 in Argentina, 8 in Costa Rica, 8 in Guatemala in online Yo Invento course.
First Feria de Inventos LATAM in Dec '20 with learners from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Argentina & from Chile. 10 winners presented inventions in Global Innovation Field Trip in January & a winner from each country participated in Invent Future Global World Challenge, Sept 2021.
2021 - Online course for learners from Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica. Colombia, Ecuador & Venezuela. 2° Feria de inventos LATAM. Winners presented in GIFT Jan 2022. Yo Invento Coursebook developed.
2022: Focus on online teacher training across LATAM. 3° Feria de Inventos LATAM in Dec 2022.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Yo Invento runs online courses in Invention Education for learners in LATAM. We also run online training courses for teachers. Learners with inventions can participate in the Online Feria de InventosLATAM at the end of the year and the winners present in the Global Innovation Field Trip. For more info please contact


Inventors of Yo Invento 2021 present in the Global Innovation Field Trip
Awards Ceremony 2021
Feria de Inventos 2021
Talleres del Segundo semestre de la Academia Icúbico - incluye Yo Invento en Casa 2021
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Por qué todos los estudiantes deberían aprender a inventar
Originalidad en 2021: Más Allá del Plagio
Yo Invento y Academia Icúbico Buscan Aliados Dispuestos a Transformar la Educación STEM Latinoamericana — Entrevista con Claire Evans, Fundadora y Directora
¡¡¡Ya viene la 3ra Mesa Redonda LATAM!!!
Yo Invento shortlisted for innovations 2022!
Escuela de Invierno de la Academia Icubico
Inauguración de la Academia ICÚBICO
IFG Food Challenge
Mesa Redonda LATAM ODS 12
Segunda Mesa Redonda LATAM
Food Challenge – InventFuture.Global
Curso de Capacitacion para docentes y representantes LATAM
Lanzamiento de la Galeria de Inventos
Global Innovation Field Trip (GIFT) 2021
Cuatro estudiantes de Yo Invento presentan en el Invent Future Global Water Challenge
Forbes Technology Council Education TechVirtual Experiences - Splash
10 of our best young innovators will be presenting in the Global Innovation Field Trip on Saturday 16th January
Global Innovation Field Trip
Con 8 prototipos premiados concluye proyecto “Yo Invento”
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Implementation steps

Yo Invento LATAM

To participate in Yo Invento 2021, please contact us directly to see how we can collaborate. We are open to global collaboration. We are also active and proud members of Invent Future Global, which is a coalition of 15 organizations around the world who run creative and innovative educational programs. Invent Future Global runs online global events for students aged 8 - 18 and is open to receiving students from any country. If you would like to find out more, please send an email to

Spread of the innovation

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