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The Unscripted Project

Navigating your world through improv

Our innovative 9-week series of in-school improvisational theatre workshops focused on social-emotional skills empower students to speak confidently, collaborate effectively, and persevere in the face of adversity. Through improv – both the skill set and the mindset – we equip our students with tools to thrive, empowering them to chase their dreams and to lead successful, fulfilling lives.


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Updated June 2021
Web presence




All students
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"For the longest time, I've limited myself from taking risks. Through improv, I was able to take risks, have fun and be my true authentic silly self"

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Our founders grew up with exposure to, and experience in, theater and improv, and found that the skills gained - projecting confidence, being spontaneous, adapting to uncertainty - were paramount to their success both in school and beyond. We believe that every child can benefit from a theatre education and improv is its most accessible form - no scripts or costumes, just come as you are!

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our free 9-week series of improv workshops in classrooms is our signature program. The series is taught by professional teaching artists and in collaboration with classroom teachers. Our innovative curriculum has been created with the counsel of the top improv theaters in the nation. In addition, we work with an expert network of academic researchers, improv practitioners, and educators to bring a research-forward approach to our program design and impact measurement.

Pre and Post Survey Results from Student Participants:
-82% feel like they can better understand their own emotions and the emotions of others
-82% feel like they have become a better communicator
-86% feel more confident participating in class
-83% feel more comfortable with their peers
-79% believe that the skills associated with improv can help with everyday life
-23% of students who screened positive for social anxiety disorder, tested negative at the end of the program

How has it been spreading?

Since launching in Philadelphia in 2020, The Unscripted Project's 9-week in-school improv workshops have served over 350 students across 11 schools and 28 classrooms in the Philadelphia School District. Our program has been warmly received by educators and students alike in its unique ability to foster critical life skills in a low-stakes and fun environment.

We hope to be able to double the number of students we are able to serve in 3 years and hope to scale to cities across the United States and Globally in the next 5-10 years. The improv toolkit is transformative and we hope that every student can experience and learn from this incredible art form.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Our live virtual improv workshops (up to 100 students) designed to enhance social-emotional skills in a collaborative and laughter-filled environment can be tailored to schools across the globe. In addition, our curriculum is available for licensing.

For more information please contact us at info@unscriptedproject or visit our website at www.