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place Uganda

The ROBOT TREE TREE INNOVATOR /INNOVATION to Ease and Enhance Teaching and Learning vs Climate .

The Robot Tree Saves learners from struggling with writing challenges.Robot brings in the learning element.Bottles used and coloured Green Speak loud that there's need to save Mother Nature through recycling.'We learn together,share and do with ease.'I am the Facilitator and a guide.Learn better!!


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Web presence






Target group
Students lower
July 2024
Learners empowered to interpret and write with ease. Learners being able to solve Climate related issues by them being part in Preserving and Conserving the Environment.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

To simplify teaching and learning.
To create awareness in regard to Climate -related issues.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

A robot -like tree made of plastic bottles with hooks around it to pin the correct responses.Its painted green to depict environment.

How has it been spreading?

Using Watsup,utube, TikTok, conferences, workshops, classroom.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Make the tree,cut leaves out of manila,box papers and any other option that be written on .
Place the tree at the front, with leaves in a vessel.
Group the Learners and assign activities.
Guide the learners in the discussion.
Ask each group to present their work as learners make their own notes , after they pin the leaflet on to the Robot Tree.
Leave in it class for a day or more to refer on.

Implementation steps

1.Have the tree made out of plastic bottles and spray it Green.
2.Cut out leaves from any materials that Can be written on.
Make a vessel from any plastic and have it sprayed green.
Take it to class to conduct a lesson.
Group learners and give tasks.
Have learners guided in groups.
Ask them to present as you harmonize their responses ask them to write the correct responses on the leaf.
After each groups presentation, ask the team leader to pin the leaflet on to the tree till all groups are done
Make the tree out of plastic bottles
Provide hooks on tree to have work pinned
Cutout leaves from any materials that Can be written on
Make a vessel out of plastic to keep the leaves.
Take the tree to class to conduct the lesson.
Have learners grouped
Assign activities
Guide learners in their groups
Ask learners to present their work
Learners make notes
Ask learners to write out the correct responses on leaves
Ask a group member to pin the work
Give an activity
Leave the tree to refer on

Spread of the innovation

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