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Technology Escape Room

The Tech Escape Room makes students travel in a room full of experiments and quizzes and try to solve them in order to escape.

The Tech Escape Room was designed using quiz, algorithms, programming problems, mathematics, literary poems, physics, chemistry and electromagnetism experiments. The result is that, students spend 90 minutes travelling to the magical world of science, learning about inventors and scientists, working together and striving to reach the ultimate solution in order to escape!



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
May 2019

About the innovation

What is the Tech Escape Room ?

The Technology Escape Room is an Erasmus+, etwinning, teachers4europe project. The project is co-founded by Noesis via the program "New beginning at the Vocational Schools" in Greece. The implementation of this practice was chosen for the effective implementation of gamification techniques in the educational process. By incorporating mechanisms and game features into activities not directly related to the game, students will be able to participate in a separate learning process by finding solutions to the quizzes and the puzzles, designed. Gamification is a pioneering experience and unprecedented for both students and educators.

The introduction of gamification into the educational process gives the teacher considerable help in enhancing student participation, teamwork, critical thinking, exploration and experimentation, in a specially designed environment.

The use of an escape room includes all these features, limited only by the imagination of the teacher. Undoubtedly the design and creation of an escape room is complicated and time-consuming.

But the result is more than satisfactory. It is also useful to participate into the design and creation of the escape room, students who, with their ideas and creative thoughts, will give a special touch.

The Tech Escape Room was designed using quiz, algorithms, programming problems, mathematics, literary poems, and physics, chemistry and electromagnetism experiments.

The result is that, students spend 90 minutes traveling to the magical world of science, learning about inventors and scientists, working together and striving to reach the ultimate solution that will give them the satisfaction of success. When implementing the escape room, students do not look at the clock to see when the lesson ends, but they look at it because they want to have more time to solve all the puzzles.

At the end of the game, the students answer a questionnaire, aimed at evaluating the activity by the teacher.

From this project the students gain valuable knowledge and experience via :

• The development of cooperation between team members

• Improving the creative spirit

• Getting new knowledge through fun

• The acquaintance of students with European inventors, scientists, researchers and experiments of many different specialties

• Creating and maintaining a site - website and social media platforms for the needs of the practice

• The design of experiments and questions from a group of students (3rd class of the EPER) will also participate in the organization and creation of the technology escape room

while the teacher gains valuable experience via:

• Creating an avant-garde escape room for the needs of introducing gambling into the educational process

• The application of innovative practices in the educational process

• The organization and collaboration of many other teachers from many schools and countries

• Assessment of the process before and after implementation of the practice (no interim evaluation can be made in this project)

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