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Scribers World™️ - Creative Hub for Global Youth

Youth-led EdTech empowering our global youth & future leaders by sparking innovation, communication & problem-solving across borders.

Scribers World™️ is a ‘Creative Hub for Global Youth’ that engages stakeholders across the ecosystem of educational and professional development. It is an EdTech platform that empowers our global youth and future leaders through intelligent connectivity, encouraging them to take charge of their own learning and Create. Connect. Collaborate. across borders - to become Youth Uniting Nations®.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated May 2019
Web presence




All students
Target group

About the innovation

Welcome to Scribers World™

What we do?

Create. Each month, our Scribers write prose, poetry, lyrics or narratives motivated by a Spark Word. Scribers bring their stories to life in their own ‘selfie’ video and share short films that capture their daily lives and passions with the Global Scribes community across 45+ countries. Together, they look beyond borders to discover their similarities and differences.

Connect. Scribers from around the world engage in live conversations, discuss youth-led topics, share personal anecdotes and announcements through global chats and weekly video calls. They ‘laugh and cry together’ providing a social safety net for one another.

Collaborate. Scribers join youth-led Global Scribes Teams and create projects and activities that explore art, food, film, science, nature, fashion and so much more. Together, they connect to peers across the globe, discover common interests and develop real world solutions.

Why we do it?

YOUTH UNITING NATIONS®: To build an empowered virtual community through the beauty of the written word & creative expression. Utilizing cutting-edge technology to build a progressive social network of engaged youth sparking innovation & collaboration, turning ideas & aspirations into reality, while building life experiences & meaningful relationships.


Facilitating borderless communication and fostering genuine friendships among diverse global youth: social network of global peers that connects the unconnected;

Building an engaging global community based on trust, happiness, a set of golden rules and peer-to-peer mentoring: applying ethics and moral principles such as community ownership, leadership, accountability and transparency to the digital space;

Providing opportunities for experiential learning and creative expression in a safe, fun and trusted environment: youth learn to adapt to change, recognize opportunities and innovate in the face of challenges, matching the fluidity of their future job markets;

Sparking innovation and problem-solving across borders: interactive network of global peers designing solutions to challenges that interest them while having fun; alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals to spark innovation, communication and problem-solving across borders and by encouraging inclusive and sustainable actions at world scale.

Engaging stakeholders across the educational and professional ecosystem: mutually beneficial collaboration across public, private and corporate sector; creating data driven programs and solutions for youth constituents, businesses and educational institutions.


Testimonial from a Scriber:

‘Global Scribes gives us a platform to interact with other people our age from all around the world. Not in many parts of the world do we see people of different cultures and nationalities communicate with each other. Global Scribes breaks this stereotype. We all have something to contribute. One may be a storyteller. Another may be an inventor. Some may be artists, and other mathematicians. When we work together, we sure can make a change. Individually we are a drop but together we are an ocean. We must work together to spread love and peace’ – Keya, Scriber from UAE

Implementation steps

Become a Scriber (ages 8 - 25)

As a Scriber, you engage in 4 Creative Steps + Core Call:

Step 1. You write your stories on the monthly Spark Word on the website: (can be poems, lyrics, novels, thoughts, anything your creative heart desires....)

Step 2. You bring your Step 1 story to life in a selfie video (see our GS YouTube channel for other examples)

Step 3. Create a short film of "The Life I Lead". Put together film, photos, artwork, whatever you want in a little film showing who you are. (Check out examples on our GS YouTube channel)

Step 4. Set your talents and imagination free in the GS Teams! Get creative, launch ideas and projects with all of your Scriber team members! You can sign up to any of the 17 GS Teams to start collaborating with your global peers.

How to sign up as Scriber:

  1. Do you know another Scriber? Ask your friend to recommend you to us!

  2. Are you reaching out individually? Send us an email on telling us why you want to join, and we will set up a video call right away to get you started in Global Scribes!

Become a GS Team Leader (ages 15 - 25)

Become a GS Team Leader:

Do you have a game-changing idea? Looking to develop an App, run a podcast, produce a short film, design your own clothing line, publish a book, teach a language or explore the world of AI and robotics? Dream of leading a team of enthusiastic peers from around the world?

You’ve come to the right place. Only your imagination sets the limits!

GS Team Leader Requirements:

  • You must be between 15 – 25 years old;

  • Have an Internet connection and a basic level of English;

  • Be curious about the topic of your chosen GS Team. Not an expert yet? No worries, this is your chance to become one! We believe there is no failure, except ‘not trying’. You are offered the opportunity to experiment, discover and learn with global peers. The question is: are you ready to take the leap?

  • Exhibit enthusiastic leadership, i.e. community engagement; embracing diversity and encouraging inclusion; compassionate and understanding listener and communicator.

GS Team Leader Benefits:

  • To be part of a growing community of global peers across 45 countries and counting;

  • To be free to pursue your interests, discover new ones, delve into your skills and pick up new talents you didn’t know you had in you in a non-discriminatory peer-to-peer learning environment;

  • To experiment and pioneer new ideas, launch innovative initiatives, and amplify your voice and impact in a safe space, where mistakes are encouraged and part of the learning process;

  • To increase your cultural awareness and broaden a powerful network of global youth connecting and cooperating across borders.

How to sign up as GS Leader:

  1. Do you know another Scriber? Ask your friend to recommend you to us!

  2. Are you reaching out individually? Send us an email on telling us why you want to join, and we will set up a video call right away to get you started in Global Scribes!

Set up a GS Club in your school or city (ages 8 - 25)


Global Scribes operates under a 3-part umbrella in 4 monthly steps combined with dynamic communication tools, which are comprised of a weekly video Core Call, GS Global & GS Team chats.

The more Scribers you interact with, the more fun you have!

  • Create – Creative writing, video & storytelling

  • Connect – “The Life I Lead”: glimpses into the lives of global peers; real-time chats; video Core Calls

  • Collaborate – GS Teams: find your passion; open doors of possibility, create together

Set up your GS Club:

You can launch your very own GS Club in your school, youth organization or city. Rally your local friends and get support from your Teacher, Facilitator or Principal to help set up your club.

Send us an email on to set up a video call & get you started!

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