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Project SHINE / ECO-SHINE aims to empower youth to develop locally relevant strategies to improve water, sanitation and hygiene.

Project SHINE is on a mission to work with youth to empower them to find simple, low-cost, low-tech ways to improve water, sanitation and hygiene. The original focus on diarrheal disease is being broadened to focus on ecological sanitation, including the issue of microplastics, making the two-pronged approach to science education and social entrepreneurship highly relevant to youth globally.


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June 2019

About the innovation

From Project SHINE (Sanitation and Hygiene INnovation in Education) to ECO-SHINE

Project SHINE aims to catalyze sustainable changes in the lives of youth globally through ripple effects across several domains, including education, health and livelihoods. Project SHINE was first piloted in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area of Tanzania, a rural setting inhabited primarily by Maasai pastoralists. On the heels of promising results in Tanzania, Project SHINE was recently adapted and implemented in rural India, where open defecation is one of the most pressing public health challenges. The evolution of SHINE to ECO-SHINE continues as the founder will participate in an all women sailing expedition that is circumnavigating the globe with a focus on highlighting the devastating impact single-use plastic and toxics from land-based activities are having on our planet’s oceans, ecosystems and on human health. As ocean plastics are an issue that affects all countries in one way or another, it is envisioned that EC0-SHINE will have broad applicability and relevance to youth around the globe. A 3 minute clip that captures the essence of the SHINE approach and transition to ECO-SHINE can be viewed here:

Partnerships established so far include academic partnerships (University of Calgary, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Sri Narayani Hospital and Research Center, non-profit partnerships (CAWST - Center for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology, Aqua Clara, Sahakarini) and corporate partnerships such as with the Rocky Mountain Soap Company. We are actively seeking partnerships with organizations with expertise in ocean plastics and youth engagement.

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