Due to Corona, economic unstability and weak economy and higher fees structures underprevileged peoples and rural peoples tend to stop taking higher education and going to minimal wages job so i am crafting some questionary and feedback to make them know education is important through which u can show cause your work and get better and brighter future and go for enrolling higher education
We are looking out to conduct current courses like AI,Game and skills and make education fun and have a pleasent experience in learning and showing them the career growth they get after education and getting feedback and conducting a survey on learners, parents and educators and getting to know what makes not enrolling in higher education especially in rural and underprevileged peoples
We use every online platforms we have created youtube videos and just now started more videos to be added facebook, instagram, whatsapp, whatsapp channel, linkedin and other sources and we are planning to go to institutes and conduct events, workshops and courses both offline and online and make them involve in questionay session to get their feedback evaluate it and make the educators know what they lack for poor enrollment
If you want to try then create a questionary session and involve volunteers and members spread the news and involve peopels from underprevileged and rural areas make education fun and show some growth which they get if they were educated and what they get if they continue without education may be now they can get money for their needs but in future it will not grow and their career also gets stop