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Project "I think therefore I write"

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"I don't know how to write a composition", this sentence made me look for a way to near writing to the life of my students in the public schools in Brazil. In these 20 years, we pursue strategies to improve the writing production at schools, impacting the quality of texts created by pupils. The Initiative is a contribution for teachers and schools to deal with writing turning it more meaningful.


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April 2024
I would like to see pupils understand the importance of writing process, not only to produce a composition to be evaluated in an exam but show your perspective of life when write your authorial text. Develop your voice by writing is a significant way to keep the democracy system by promoting a dialogue of ideas and respect the different thoughts in the argumentation. A climate of collaboration.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

I created this innovation because my students (in the last year of High School) didn't know how to write a composition. When the results of evaluation came to my school, the results were terrible. I've got extremely upset with them.
So, I said to my principal: "I don't know what it will happen in the next year (2004), but I will change my Portuguese classes completely!". In this way, I did.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The first step of the project: to produce topics for the text. I ask the class to form groups and then instruct the teams to suggest topics that meet the interests and expectations of the class.
Once this has been done, I ask the groups what their proposals were and write each one on the blackboard. Once the suggestions are known, I start voting for the most relevant subject.
At the end of the selection, I identify the top vote-getters. The next step in the project is to hand out the sheet with the thematic proposals to the students. This sheet clearly states: the most voted topics, the dates for submitting the text, various guidelines for writing the texts and the date of the final assessment - the rewrite.
The third fundamental step of the project: reading the text in front of the class. This inspiration to invite the students to read their work in front of the group was essential to captivate and sensitise the class to the importance of exposing what they had thought.

How has it been spreading?

1) Launch of the book: "O Desafio do Projeto Penso, Logo Escrevo" on 29 November 2014, the preface of which was written by Prof. Dr. Boudewijn A.M. van Velzen (international specialist in educational change);
2) Knowing that my book was the subject of the subject "Planning and Assessment" at the Faculty of Letters of the Federal University of Campina Grande in Paraíba (more than 2000 km from São Paulo) and that it contributed to the training of future Portuguese teachers acquires a special flavour, as the initiative was studied at the university.
3) In October 2019, I travelled to the city Grão Mogol at Minas Gerais State to see the work carried out by teacher Geane Kênia, who is still applying the project's methodology in 2024. I was amazed to see how she organised and dedicated for it.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You should wish a different kind of work that it's been created by the interaction among teacher and students. The Curriculum is not something closed in its own propose, it's been created and developed by the action of its members: the participation of all makes difference in this process. We can create something new with the participation of all members (pupils and teacher), this is so exciting!

Implementation steps

Characteristic actions of the project
1) Voting on writing topics (students propose topics to discuss in the writing activity).
2) Introduction of the study of Argumentation (the main aspects of the study of argumentation are explained and studied to give a good orientation for pupils how to write well).
3) Elaboration of the sheet with the thematic proposal for the textual production and instructions.
4) Teacher explains the importance to write an authorial text, not plagiarised from the internet or made by artificial intelligence.
When the composition is done...
1) Students presents their texts for teacher.
2) They read essays in front of the class.
3) Teacher comments the productions.
4) Students start a debate about the topic.
5) Students work in pairs to review texts;
6) Choose the best productions for rewriting;
7) Last individual correction before passing the reviewed text to the rewriting sheet;
8) Public Reading of Essays and Final Project Event.

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