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Project Breakthrough

Development of student agency through student led parent meeting.

Project Breakthrough is an in-school practice in which students analyse their own academic tests through the detailed study of their exam paper answer sheets. They then use peer teaching and learning practices to bridge the gap and proceed to lead individual parents meeting in which they discuss their subject wise academic findings and set future academic goals.



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June 2019
When a child has the power, nothing can stop him

About the innovation

Student Led Parents Meetings

What we do?

We help schools re-design and transform their open houses through our process sheets ( Chapter Indicator, SLPM Paper Indicator, Meeting trainer), training and coaching. School usually take in all the learning in a 3-hour workshop and they are ready to conduct their very own SLPM. We coach schools as part of the SLPM to design better assessments, form peer learning practises, create professional learning communities and strengthen interpersonal communication in children.

Why we do it?

Open houses are days when parents come into school to see their children's marked exam papers. This process typically happens 4 times a year. Most open houses at school are days where most children are left to fend for themselves as teachers, parents and support after-school tutors often pass the blame as to why students are underperforming. This leads to the victimization of students and is a disempowering experience. As a school leader, I wanted to change the way a child experienced and felt during the open house. I wanted it to be a day of victory, power and responsibility for them. Thus the SLPM process was born. Today we see the open days at our school as one of the most sought-after days by children. It's a day they reaffirm their power and take on self-direction in learning.

Implementation steps

Students workshop : Filling the forms

Populate the INDICATOR sheet using information from your graded test papers. This will allow you to see how well you are scoring in each chapter/topic/ concept you were assessed on. All this is done using pen and paper with reliance only on human interaction and connection.

The sheet also guides you in understanding what was assessed and what you could have done to get better scores. It also makes visible peers who may have scored better in some chapters thus fostering peer learning connections.

Teacher workshop : Chapter Indicator sheet
The Chapter indicator sheet allows teachers to look at whole class achievemnt scores across concepts / topics assessment in the exam all in one sheet. This is made for each concept / topic assessed. This visualises individual students achioevemsent and allows for teachers to connect peers to help bridge the gap in learning.
Student workshop : Leading Effective Parent Meetings
In this session, students are taught the basics of interpersonal communication. They also pick up subtle communication strategies and work in groups and pairs practising their meeting agenda. This develops their communication skills and also help them navigate and negotiate complex social situations that could arise out of their academic performance. They learn to positively take control of a conversation and lead it to a desirable outcome. Parents see and expereince a confident and self directed individual.

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