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OK FACE Empower yourself

place Taiwan

A fresh opportunity in education -Observe, Keywords, Fact, Awareness, Clarify ,Embrace

Due to various pressures (personal, student, work environment), teachers may experience poor emotional control in the classroom, which in turn affects their teaching. OK FACE's six steps are designed to assist teachers in understanding their emotions, using 'Emo-baby' to divert attention and relieve stress, and teaching professional courses in the classroom with care.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated April 2024
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Target group
1.Make emotional education a part of the school curriculum. 2. Provide emotional education training for teachers. 3. Expand emotional education to families. 4. Support the idea of emotional balance and mental health. 5. Globalizing OK FACE: Empowering all with vital emotional and mental health skills to support SDGs in education quality.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

As frontline educators, teachers often face a multitude of teaching pressures and student behavior challenges, leading to increased emotional stress. This is also one of the issues addressed by the quality education goal advocated in the SDGs.
Our emotion training program utilizes OK FACE cards and Emo-baby to aid teachers and students in identifying, expressing, and managing emotions effectively.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Teachers can learn how to express and process their emotions through Virginia Satir's 6A self-awareness training. This intervention has been shown to be effective through research and evidence. Even though technology can't fully represent student emotions, we can still provide feedback on their emotional expression through a variety of methods.

By guiding teachers through a process of self-awareness, they can gain a better understanding of their own emotional state, manage their emotions appropriately, and thus become more attuned to the emotional fluctuations and needs of their students, providing them with positive support and responses.

Teacher Feedback:
1. Improved emotional observation (89%).
2. Enhanced confidence in handling emotions (82.5%).
3. Better self-awareness and regulation (88%).
4. Students improved empathy (87%).

Student Feedback:
1. Increased emotional understanding (85%).
2. Positive classroom atmosphere (86%).

How has it been spreading?

Primary Marketing Strategies:
1.Teacher Training Workshops: Train OK FACE Emotions Educators to help teachers develop self-awareness of their own emotions, enabling them to better manage their emotions and create a positive learning environment in the classroom.
2.Develop Specialized OK FACE Emotions-Themed Courses for Children: Teach children how to effectively express their emotions through dedicated courses designed specifically for them.
3.Word-of-Mouth Marketing (Teacher and Parent Referrals): Leverage the power of word-of-mouth recommendations by utilizing existing students and teachers as advocates. According to current statistics, approximately 45% of new students and teachers are referred by existing ones

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Teachers can easily learn emotional education methods through simple training. Detailed explanations during the training ensure proficiency in mastering the OK FACE system's steps. Interested educators can contact us at for in-depth course content and training arrangements.

Implementation steps

Our teacher training course is comprehensive and divided into five key parts
PART 1: OK FACE Emotion Cards - Guiding Teachers on an Emotional Dialogue Journey
PART 2: Enhancing Teacher Self-Awareness Skills - Activating Deep Inner Awareness and Guiding Emotional Transformation
PART 3: Practical Emotional Regulation Techniques - Guiding Emotional Integration and Flow
PART 4: The OK FACE Steps
PART 5: Sharing OK FACE Teaching Experiences - Inspiring Emotional Management Wisdom and Adaptability
Part 1 : OK FACE Emotion Cards - Guiding Teachers on a Journey of Emotional Conversation
OK FACE Emotion Cards - Guiding Teachers on a Journey of Emotional Conversation
OK FACE Emotion Cards are an educational tool developed by Goodcoding Creative Education Company . They cover nine major emotion categories and include 54 commonly used emotion cards. Each card uses 1 to 5 water droplets to represent the current level of emotion. In teacher training courses, trainees will play the role of children and participate in training exercises.
PART 1-1 Know-Getting to Know Emotions: Exploring Different Feelings
This section introduces children to different emotions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, and surprise. It explains the characteristics of each emotion and how it might be expressed.
PART 1-2 Identifying-Identifying Emotions with Emotion Cards
This section uses emotion cards to help children identify and express their feelings. Children are asked to observe each card and describe its characteristics, in order to assess their ability to recognize different emotions.
PART 1-3. Recalling-Recalling Emotional Events
This section encourages children to reflect on past experiences that elicited specific emotions, such as recent instances of happiness or anger. This aims to help them understand the origins and expressions of their emotions.
PART1-4. Connection-Emotional Management and Connection
This section encourages children to connect their personal experiences to the emotion cards, fostering self-awareness and emotional regulation skills. By understanding their own emotions, children can learn to effectively manage and express them in various situations.
PART 2: Enhancing Teacher Self-Awareness: Cultivating Inner Awareness and Emotional Transformation.
Utilizing Satir's 6A Technique for Teacher Self-Awareness:
1. Aware: Recognize Emotional States.
2. Acknowledge: Avoid Emotional Denial.
3. Allow: Embrace Imperfections for Well-being.
4. Accept: Embrace Authentic Self and Emotions.
5. Action: Transform Negative Emotions Positively.
6. Appreciate: Embrace Emotional Fluidity and Self-Appreciation.
PART 2-1 Feedback from participating in teacher training.
1. Enhancing Teaching: Managing Emotions for Effective Lessons
2. Strengthening Relationships: Emotional Awareness in Teacher-Student Bonds
3. Teaching Emotional Skills: Modeling and Guiding Emotional Management
PART 3: Practical techniques for emotional relief:
Young children with limited language skills can benefit from several methods. It encourages the early expression and understanding of emotions. Interactive games support emotional management, effective communication, and self-soothing, which nurtures emotional sensitivity and self-regulation.
PART 3-1 Emo Baby: A Teaching Tool For Emotional Expression
Emotional expression teaching tool 'Emo-Baby' is innovative and helps children identify and comprehend their emotions. Children can use emotion magnets to observe their own emotions and experience their physical reactions. Children can connect emotions to physical sensations with ease because of the doll's body shape. For example, positioning the anger magnet on the doll's stomach to show where anger remains.
PART 3-2 how to use Emo-baby
Children can remove magnets if emotions have subsided or leave them if emotions persist, promoting self-observation and stress release.
PART 3-3 Connecting with the Body to Enhance Resilience:
- Physical Activity: Yoga, meditation, and jogging reduce stress and enhance well-being by releasing endorphins.
- Mind-Body Healing: Techniques like body scans, breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation promote relaxation and reduce stress.
- Deep Breathing: Regulates the nervous system and restores calmness, aiding in stress management.
- Emotional Clearing: Practices like journaling and mindfulness help process emotions for improved emotional stability.
PART 3-4 Art Therapy: A Path to Healing and Self-Expression
Art therapy is a powerful and effective approach to mental health and emotional well-being. It utilizes various forms of creative expression, such as painting, writing, crafts, and music, to facilitate emotional exploration, release, and personal growth.
PART 4 OK FACE steps :
The acronym "OK FACE" provides a structured framework for educators to guide children in emotional education, helping them recognize, understand, and manage their emotions effectively.
PART4-1. Observe:
Introduce the "OK FACE" emotional cards and Observe children's interactions and emotional behaviors in the classroom.
PART4-2. Keywords:
Guide children to retell the events they experienced, prompting them to identify and summarize important "keywords."
PART4-3. Fact:
Assist children in verbalizing their actual experiences during the events.
PART4-4. Awareness:
Utilize "OK FACE" emotional cards to help children recognize their own emotional states.
PART4-5. Clarify:
Assist children in identifying and understanding the sources of their emotions and the physical reactions they experience. Place emotion magnets on the corresponding positions on the Emo-baby doll.
PART4-6. Embrace: Choose different healing methods:
-Trauma healing (e.g., self-hugging)
-Art therapy (destruction and reconstruction of emotions)
Use the Saint Donna emotional release questions:
How do you feel right now?
Are you willing to let this feeling go?
PART 5: Sharing Experiences from OK FACE Instruction
Enhancing Teachers' Emotional Management Wisdom and Response Skills
Here is an example of how a teacher could use the "OK FACE" framework to address a conflict between two students, Amy and Brown, who are arguing over a game:
PART 5-1. Observe:
The teacher observes and records the details of the conflict between the children.
PART 5-2. Keywords:
Guide the children to identify and verbalize important keywords that represent their emotions and experiences.
PART 5-3. Fact:
Assist Amy and Brown in taking turns recounting their actual experiences during the conflict.
Encourage them to stick to the facts and avoid blaming or accusing each other.
PART 5-4. Awareness:
Prompt Amy and Brown to recognize and acknowledge their own emotions. Use "OK FACE" emotional cards or visuals to help them identify their feelings.
Encourage them to select the card that best represents their current emotional state.
PART 5-5. Clarify:
Assist Amy and Brown in expressing their emotions and describing their physical reactions. Encourage them to verbalize how their emotions are affecting their bodies. Have them place emotion magnets on the corresponding positions on the Emo-baby doll.
For example, if Amy says, "I'm feeling sad, so sad that my eyes feel heavy and I want to cry," she would place the "sad" magnet on Emo-baby's eyes.
PART 5-6. Embrace:
Provide Amy and Brown with appropriate healing methods or allow them to choose their preferred coping strategies. For instance, Amy might choose to draw her emotions on paper and then tear it up, while Brown might prefer to take deep breaths in a quiet corner. Encourage them to express their emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.
PART 5-7. Letting Go of Emotions:
Ask the children, "How do you feel right now?"
Child: "Frustrated"
"Are you willing to let this feeling go?"
Child: "Yes"
Child: "Now"
Remove the emotion magnet, symbolizing the release of the emotion from the body.
PART 5-8. Role-Playing and Empathy Building:
While Amy and Brown are discussing the conflict, have their classmates engage in role-playing activities.
Encourage them to imagine themselves as Amy or Brown and experience the emotions and reactions involved.Through discussion and sharing, they can gain a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives and feelings.

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