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Maestros que Inspiran

We have +80,000 teachers a year, consulting educational innovation projects in Latin America.

Our platform makes visible, promotes, shares and rewards practices of educational innovation in Latin America. We have +300 projects, +3,400 teachers in the community and an audience of +80,000 teachers a year.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated November 2019
Web presence




Target group

About the innovation


Que hacemos

Aulas Amigas and Kairos Team in Colombia that are committed to an innovative education, supported by various sponsors, mainly TOMi we create a platform that visualizes and rewards the work of teachers, forming a bank of good practices that is free of charge to service of teachers of the different countries of Latin America.

¿Por qué lo hacemos?

Somos apasionados por la educación, creemos en el maestro y su misión de vida

Implementation steps


With your email and password you can easily access the platform.

Accede a formación

Te ofrece formación virtual y te prepara para postular tu práctica de un modo sencillo

Comparte, concursa y consulta para que puedas replicar

Es muy sencillo participar y acceder a los beneficios de la comunidad.

+3.500 maestros están inscritos y recibimos visitas de +80.000 maestros al año, anímate y haz visible tu experiencia en Latinoamérica.

Spread of the innovation

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