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Light up the knowledge (ASER40)

place Vietnam

Each lamp ASER lights up – A knowledge that cultivates the future.

Light up the knowledge is a project to donate table lamps using solar energy to students in isolated areas where there is no national electricity grid. Assembled and funded by a group of students from Vietnam Australia School.


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Web presence






Target group
Students upper
April 2023
Students see the value of love and responsibility to the community. Realize the love around you. Students where electricity is not available have the opportunity to use solar electricity.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

In Vietnam, there are a few places that still do not have electricity. Those are remote areas where it is still very difficult. The students here have no light to study in the evening. Meanwhile, assembling a table lamp using solar energy is not too difficult for students in the city. I want to use this project to help children who do not have electricity to access solar power to study.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The goal of this project is to give poor students in isolated areas where there is no national grid system - solar powered desk lamps assembled by students themselves. with self-funded funding. At the same time, each student who receives the lamp will be responsible for taking care of a tree in the home garden (seedlings will be given to students at the beginning of the project) as a specific way for students to protect the environment.
Participating in the project, students not only have the opportunity to apply the knowledge (Mathematics, Physics, Business, ...) they have learned, but also have the opportunity to look at themselves, to feel what they have learned. value that I am receiving and more love for family, school, friends and community.
At the same time, through that, you will increase your love for your fellow citizens and be more responsible to the community in the present and in the future and learn the value of giving.

How has it been spreading?

• 500 lamps donated.
• 1290 trees were planted.
• Other activities such as: Books/story, blankets, notebooks, rice, bicycles, nutritious porridge, etc.
Continue the annual lamp donation plan.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Build a working group contact me for more specifics. (

Implementation steps

Find direction
Looking for an unpowered address to help.
Gather a group of students to work together.
Determine who is receiving support.
Identify what you want your students to realize as they work on the project.
Finance and organization
Estimated operational costs, setting up working groups (Communication, fundraising, engineering)
Direct donation
make a donation trip

Spread of the innovation

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