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Let's create climate adaptive school grounds for children and youngsters all over the world!

The award winning school ground project 'Klimaatspeelplaats' in Sint-Paulus Kortrijk, Belgium, has set the benchmark for greening school grounds all over Belgium and is inspiring schools all over the world to rethink their school grounds. By getting rid of concrete and finding solutions for water issues, heat stress and decreasing biodiversity it has become an incredible example for many schools.


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Updated November 2024
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It would be great to see climate adaptive school grounds becoming the new standard in schools all over the world. Each region has its own challenges but we are sure that if you apply our approach that you can have a big impact. We inspire teachers to take their lessons outdoors, to reconnect themselves and children to their natural enviorment and we see that we create awareness about climate chang

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

A climate playground provides an answer to various challenges that come with climate change. It was important to consider the heat stress caused by abundant sunshine on a bare concrete surface. Planting trees, native greenery and limiting concrete surface will provide shade and coolness over time. We wanted to bring our kids in contact with nature again and make them guardians for the future.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our design chose monkey-proof materials such as robinia wood and other robust materials. More than 40 trees and over 150 shrubs were planted in a varied landscape where natural materials such as sand and gravel play an important role. Sports fields were also laid out throughout the nature-rich areas so that both large and fine motor skills are stimulated. Clear walking lines, well thought-out layout and bold choices regarding planting, adventurous and risky play now provide a fantastic playground for children. As teachers, we notice that bullying has disappeared from our playground. Our children are less bored. We see a wonderful variety of play forms and we have countless opportunities for outdoor learning. Our children learn to care for animals and plants and learn about healthy eating and recycling. For example, there is a vegetable garden with greenhouse, we keep chickens and bees and we have our own recycling park.

How has it been spreading?

The transformation of the playground started from the children and the teachers but soon overtook the school. The city of Kortrijk became involved and was the first to come up with, limited, financial resources. Then the regional authorities jumped on board. Since then, our project has been seen as an example and more than 300 schoolyards have been designed in this way in Flanders. The school is also the founder of BLES. A service that now supports schools at home and abroad in designing natural schoolyards. Teachers from the school travel around the world to talk about these projects, thereby bringing schools into action. So far they have collected over 4 000 000 euro to change school grounds an inspire schools to take their teaching outdoors.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

We have developed a proven concept in which we bring together a solid network of educational experts, landscape designers and project managers in the schools in order to smartly depave and green the schoolyards from a whole school approach and with a sustainable view of the process. We look for solutions for water collection and use and integrate all this into a futureproof view of education.

Implementation steps

Bring together teachers, children, parents, experts
It is important to respect the participation process. Bring together the stakeholders of each school and inform them about the importance of creating change in their grounds and teaching.
Train the teachers
Help the teachers to understand the benefits of creating a rich play, learning and living environment. Help them to use methods to ask the childers how they would like to play and learn outdoors. When they are informed about this, bring in the landscape designers.
Here come the landscape designers
By bringing in the expertise of landscape designers we challenge teachers, parents and children to think out of the box. Our designers are trained in designing for schools and they speak the language of education. The create 'talkplans'. Design on which we discuss with the stakeholders and we do finetuning until the plans are perfect.
Find the money
We have a team of projectmanagers that are expert in finding the necessary funding by writing dossiers and bring the story of the school to the government. That way we have been able to build many grounds already.
Build the climate adaptive school ground
School grounds are not build in one day. It takes months the re-build them. So we prepare the school for this time of discomfort. By involving the stakeholders in the process we create ownership.
Keep training the teachers
How do you teach on a climate adaptive school ground? We develop training programs for the teachers so that they can take their teaching outdoors and make use of the new space.

Spread of the innovation

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