Between December 2021 and May 2022, our researchers - sent to far-flung corners of the world - observed classes in schools in the USA, Brazil, Poland, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, India, the Philippines and South Korea. They aimed to discover the humanistic foundations of education. It confirmed our belief in the necessity to change the way subjects are taught.
We invite you to develop a series of 10 subject lessons (e.g., a thematic block within a history, math, or chemistry lesson) relating to selected values from the What Schools Ought to Teach list.
You conduct the planned lessons. You evaluate the course of work with students in the spirit of the K'IDS approach.
Finally, you share your observations and recommendations with us in the form of a report.
The implementation of the K'Interdisciplinary School Subject (K'IDS) in schools will contribute to a change in the role of the school, which – from a place of reproductive transmission of knowledge in the form of administration (based on a hierarchical teacher-student relationship), will become an environment promoting the individual development of each student, where they acquire knowledge and skills in an atmosphere of cooperation, trust, and respect for others.
The pilot programme lasted 13 months (from March 2023 to April 2024). It involved about 1000 students and 50 teachers from Poland, UK and USA. The teachers' first task was to develop lesson plans to implement What School Ought to Teach values, competences and attitudes. This resulted in about 500 original scenarios in 13 subjects: from mathematics, biology or geography to English, creative activities or music and physical education. Children from grades 4-8 in primary schools took part in the project. There was also one mixed-age group from early childhood education.
If you are interested in joining the K'IDS program, please email us: You will receive an application form in response. You should check our website regarding the renumeration.
After receiving information about the approval of your concept, you will receive an IDS lesson scenario template by email together with a manual and an invitation for the introductory workshops.