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A Fun Teacher in your Pocket, offers short 3 minute animated videos of all required school content from Grade R to 12. Motivating learning.

Complete school in an app, with fun, animated lessons in a way that would encourage learners to engage in all their school subjects in a meaningful way. Content created by passionate experts to promote independent learning at home or at school. Perfect for flipping the classroom. Fully accessible and scalable, one downloaded, it works offline. Integrates the 4 C's includes all textbooks.


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Updated May 2020
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iWhiz... a fun teacher in your pocket to take home everyday.

About the innovation

Teacher in your Pocket

What we do? Created a Learning App with all required school lessons according to theGovernment standards.Lessons are in short 3 minute videos - in animation. The allincludes all school textbooks.Lessons taughtby experts.

Why we do it? South African public schooling is overcrowded with 50 - 60 learnersI a class.Learning is difficult - this app allows each learner towork at a pace that they are comfortable with. The schools are also underresourced so the app provides alllessons in line with thestandards. Further the alternativeeducation is privateeducation. The prices are exorbitant whichonly a few can afford.IWhiz is an excellent support to all school kids.

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