Go for Gold was created in response to the low number of black technical professionals entering the South African built environment. Black students were disadvantaged at school with low maths & science marks, thus disqualifying them for university entry. Due to the impacts of poverty, we implemented LD/Life Skills training to grow our students self-belief, confidence and determination to succeed.
We implemented weekly maths and science tuition to help students from Grade 10 onwards to achieve bachelor passes by Grade 12. Go for Gold believe in developing the whole child, both academically and emotionally on each step of their career-building journey.
The Leadership Development (LD) training for Phase 1 takes place after the weekly maths and science tuition classes for Grades 10, 11 & 12. Our LD facilitators introduce various life skills topics to the students, also encouraging them to utilize the access to our maths & science tutors, focus on goal setting, problem-solving, planning, confidence, personal accountability, etc.
The LD training for Phase 2 students (post matric year) who embark on an internship year at Go for Gold partner companies to work in industry & to accurately decide on what courses to pursue at tertiary studies (Phase 3). The LD in this phase provide coping mechanisms, ways to conduct themselves in the workplace, how to save their earnings for Phase 3.
We are currently creating Leadership Development material and having it accredited.
Apart from the Leadership Development training we give to a 100 new students that enter our skills development programme every year, we have also had Go for Gold partner companies (30 construction companies) request Go for Gold to provide our Leadership Development training to non-Go for Gold post graduates.
Our Leadership Development training material has been included as a training module in two accredited construction related training academy's training courses. Developing soft / emotional skills is as important as developing academic hard skills for well-rounded employees.
Go for Gold has also won numerous awards both locally and internationally, including presenting at the African Union, etc.
They are welcome to contact Karen@goforgold.org.za for more information. We welcome sharing our four-phased approach in creating technical graduates and welcome sharing the module to ensure more youth become employable.