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Formative Years of Digital Literacy Integration

Our objective is to engage all K-4th grade students to Integrated Digital Literacy Learning Experiences.

Students may be able to use any type of new innovative technology, but it does not mean that they can use it effectively or as a tool of their learning. We have developed a system that creates digital literacy understanding in the early years of education that develops these understandings. Propel Schools Integration Framework is a comprehensive plan that increases digital literacy.


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Updated March 2019
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All students
Target group
Generation Z or iGen is "wired" for technology. Through integration practices, student engagement and collaboration is at an all time high. Teachers have taken back their classrooms, and are no longer competing with misguided screen time.

About the innovation

Digital Literacy Integration

How do we create valuable 21st century learning experiences that do not exist in a computer science class isolation and are scalable?

In K-4 our primary objective is to expose all students to Integrated Learning Experiences (ILEs) in order to generate engagement and develop computer science transferable skills. Every year, all students will receive 30 hours of digital literacy instruction from their integration teachers during integration class. Integration educators and classroom educators will then co-plan using the content objectives and ongoingcomputer science skills learned in the integration class. Once planned, these educators co-teach an integrated grade level project. Not only are the students learning, but the regular ed classroom educators are as well. They will use their learning of the skills in future planning and teaching.

Every student in K-4 will be engaged in:

*30 hours of dedicated skill based computer science instruction per year taught by Integration educators

* Minimum of 2 integrated projects (using the Luma method of human-centered design) co-planned and co-taught by Integration educators and classroom educators

How do we create an innovative framework that keeps learners and educators engaged?

A K-12 framework was designed to reach all learners. This link will show the requirements involved to achieve our goal: Propel Schools Framework

How do we provide authentic project based learning experiences that are impactful?

Through year long planning and ongoing revisions, a STEAM team of educators, principals, students and local partners collaborateto createa logic model. Factors that were considered were environment, resources, products, audience, and outcomes. The factors are essential in planning, engagement, and skill development.

A few Items to consider: (Please visit completeLogic Model.)


Does this project provide equitable access to quality education, facilitate growth / achievement, prepare students for success, promote lifelong learning?

Product Example:

Does this project include a mix of people, colleagues, partners, leadership, resources, tools, technology, materials / supplies that are not compartmentalized into silos?

Audience Example:

Does this project help students develop grit / perseverance at school and in home environment? How will they transfer these skills to other contexts?

Outcome Example:

Does the student display confidence in personal / individual voice, feel motivated to continue to explore own voice?

Implementation steps

During the planning year, our STEAM Team included the superintendent, directors of arts, director of afterschool programming, director of instructionaltechnology, and director of innovation. We attended regional and national conferences to gather best practices. During monthly meetings, we shared our findings and considered options. With the help of local partners and educators, we created a logic model that helped us consider our audience, goals, partners, resources, and parent network. From there, we created several models of our integrationframework and solicitedfeedback from all stakeholders.
Integration Educator

Propel Schools is committed to creating integrated learning opportunities. Our goal is to prepare students to solve real-world problems through project based units that connect all content areas. There is a primary focus on computational thinking and technology based skill application. Students will learn how to create, think critically, collaborate, and communicate their ideas.

This is an ideal educator for a digitaltechnology integration position is:

Passionate about urban education and committed to social justice

A STEAM education innovator and developer

A believer/practitioner in STEAM education and the 4 C’s (creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration)

A creative and collaborative planner who enjoys vertical planning and unit development with all content educators

Up-to-date on current technology and computer science education

Professional Learning

Creating a plan for all educators in the first year will be helpful to success. Suggestions include:

*Beginning of the year introduction and question/answer sessions that include all staff

*Regular educator and integration educator beginning of year planning that includes focussing on what how to implementeffective project-based learning units using community and national partnerships. How can we? is the driving question that ALWAYS begins a unit.

*Work with the integration educator on professional learning needs and innovative planning. The team never stops learning.

*Hold sessions for all staff that can include EdTech Teacher and trainings. They have been instrumental in helping our educators and students succeed.


The curriculumcoach and integration teacher meet monthlyto review adjust co-planned units and computer science integration lessons. Reviews include: CSTA short term and long term goals, content standards and goals, PBL framework (does it include a community partner?) and progress. Principals join to keep abreast on all projects.

Educators, students, and principals are surveyed to adjust goals yearly.

Revisit, Review and Adjust
We improve our craft by involving our original STEAM team, integration educators, regular education educators, students, local organizations (such as Remake Learning and CarnegieScienceCenter, AIU3) parents, and principals. Feedback can be in the form of focus groups and surveys.

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