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Expert and tutor teachers

Teachers act as spearheads of development, training their colleagues around the city

Helsinki focuses on teachers' professional development and school reform. As part of teachers' continuing education, the city has created developer teacher networks to support competence development. Expert and tutor teachers operate across school boundaries and educational levels, promoting the implementation of the latest and best operating models.
HundrED 2020


HundrED has selected this innovation to

HundrED 2020

City of Helsinki

Updated October 2019




Target group
The most efficient way to launch new ideas and pedagogical practices is by having teachers tell their colleagues about such matters.

About the innovation

What is Expert and tutor teachers

The network of expert teachers consists of teachers in early childhood education and care, basic education, general upper secondary schools, and vocational education and training who support schools and educational institutions in the reform of teaching. There are five teams, with a total of around 60 teachers, who develop, create partnerships and share good practices, in addition to performing their own teaching duties. Managers of daycare centres, headmasters of schools and educational institutions and tutor teachers can request training from expert teachers for specific schools and educational institutions. Expert teachers are entitled to have fewer regular lessons each week, in order to share their expertise with other daycare centres and schools. Together with new teachers and headmasters, they develop operating models, learning environments and practical uses of technologies. Their training consists of sharing tried and tested practices and handing out material. They also support the management in the implementation of pedagogical change.

Expert teachers have been divided into five teams:

  • Learning environments
  • Phenomenon-based learning
  • Language, interaction and thinking skills
  • Portfolio learning, assessment and comprehensive learning (PALO)
  • STEAM team (S=Science, T=Technology, E=Engineering, A=Arts, M=Mathematics)

Tutor teachers work on daily issues in comprehensive schools, mentors provide help in general upper secondary schools, and digital agents assist in vocational education and training units. Each comprehensive school has 1–4 tutor teachers supporting their colleagues. Each general upper secondary school has two tutor teachers, who are called mentors. The digital pedagogical team in vocational education and training guides the pedagogical utilisation of digitalisation throughout vocational education and training. Tutors, mentors and digital agents are trained together and act as a network that shares and develops expertise.

Impact & scalability

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