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Evidence-Based Supervision (EBS)

Improve teaching quality and learning outcomes using evidence of what works

EBS helps teachers diagnose areas for improvement and provide them with subject specific or pedagogical knowledge to support their on-going CPD. It was developed to improve teaching quality in education systems with a supervisory middle tier responsible for in-service professional development with a combination of lesson observations by supervisors, targeted feedback, coaching and mentoring,


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Target group
May 2022
Teachers must know and understand the latest education research evidence to apply it in a practical way to improve their classroom practice and learning outcomes with the support of a supervisor.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

In Jordan and Lebanon, middle tier supervisors deliver CPD and teacher evaluation. Teachers report that they receive one size fits all training( irrelevant to their context), they have little access to the latest pedagogical evidence of what works or new subject knowledge and classroom observations focus only on what is wrong. EBS was created to provide this evidence and improve teaching quality.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

EBS targets supervisors to improve teaching quality and learning outcomes.

The model combines coaching for teachers by supervisors, with evidence-based pedagogical interventions drawn from a wide and growing online library of subject specific treatment cards which include up-to-date techniques based on international evidence for English and Math.

-are trained to conduct diagnostic lesson observations, partnering with teachers to assess the root causes of poor learning,
- give teachers feedback using interviewing, coaching, and mentoring techniques, involving teachers in the process of diagnosing the issue,
-work with intervention cards to help teachers select appropriate, evidence-based intervention cards. They set improvement goals to be assessed in future observations.
- encourage teachers to use critical thinking skill and diagnostic process to notice and reflect on what was happening in their own classrooms and design effective lesson solutions independently.

How has it been spreading?

EBS started in Jordan. We worked with the Ministry of Education and the Queen Rania Teacher Academy to implement it with supervisors and teachers of English. It was used to mitigate the effects of the influx of Syrian refugees in Jordanian public schools.
In Lebanon, we worked with British Council to implement the program with supervisors and teachers of Math and English in the Ministry of Higher Education. EBS has also spread to informal education sectors through partners NGOs in Lebanon for use in refugee camps.

From 2022/23, EBS will be piloted as part of a UNICEF project in Sierra Leone with the Ministry of Education.

The Jordan EBS model has been profiled as an example innovative instructional leadership practice in a book by IIEP-UNESCO in collaboration with EDT.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Please contact Education Development Trust to learn more about EBS. We would be delighted to provide you with more information about its use in Jordan, Lebanon and Sierra Leone and discuss its application to other contexts.
Visit to learn more about Education Development Trust.
Visit to learn more about EBS cards

Implementation steps

Evidence-Based Supervision

The attached PDF provides an overview of the Evidence-Based Supervision model in Jordan

EBS Case Study

Click the PDF to download the case study.

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