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Eskwelang Pamilya

COVID or no COVID, learning should not stop.

When you live in a country with poor mobile signal, and have beneficiaries that do not have the capacity to buy internet or data, you need to think of creative ways to continue classes. Using Facebook Free, we conducted our afterschool classes via Messenger in a text-based format. Not only did our students continue their education, but this also served as practice for their actual online learning.


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Target group
February 2021
We can't for change to magically happen nor can we wait for someone to make change for us. We need to take a stand and be the change we want to see in this world.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

When the lockdown happened in the Philippines, our community of learners and their parents were very scared. They didn't know what was going on or how they'll continue their classes. We knew we had to do something. That's when we found out that many of our community members used Facebook Free - a non-internet version of Facebook - and we decided to conduct our text-based classes there.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We use Facebook Free - a version of Facebook that does not need data or internet but only a stable mobile signal. From there, we decided to transform our bank of lessons to text-based lessons that can be easily read and answered via Facebook Messenger. Since it does not need data or internet, we do not send videos or pictures, but instead, we make up for it with emojis and other gamified tactics.

We have already made more than 600 lessons about Reading, English, Math, COVID-19, Daily Devotions, and even different text-based games.

How has it been spreading?

We currently have 300+ students enrolled in our centers. But our lessons are available to download on our website. We also have 7 NGO partners that are using these lessons. All in all, our lessons have reached more than 16,000 students all over the Philippines.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If they want to apply this intervention, they can definitely contact us for support and we can also do collaborations together.

Spread of the innovation

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