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EduEngage: Interactive Teacher Training

Empowering Educators with Interactive Training and Team-Building for Excellence

Introducing EduEngage: Interactive Teacher Training, where innovation inspires growth. Our program combines dynamic webinars with team-building activities for a vibrant, collaborative learning experience. EduEngage empowers educators to enhance skills, foster teamwork, and drive excellence, transforming education one teacher at a time.


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Target group
July 2024
Through EduEngage, we hope to see a transformative change in education where teachers recognize the importance of continuous learning and teamwork. By participating in our interactive and collaborative training sessions, educators will be motivated to acquire new skills and work together, ultimately enhancing the quality of education and fostering a supportive teaching community.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

We created EduEngage to address the challenge of gathering 400 teachers across Malaysia for annual training. By combining dynamic webinars with team-building activities, we offer flexible, interactive training that empowers educators to learn new skills, foster teamwork, and drive excellence, ensuring everyone benefits regardless of location.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In practice, EduEngage transforms teacher training into a fun and interactive experience. We set up a greenscreen at our HQ, and all branches across Malaysia connect to our online platform. Each training session is designed with engaging games and competitions that require teamwork, making learning enjoyable and collaborative. Teachers participate in these activities from their locations, working together to solve problems and complete challenges. We also offer prizes to the most dedicated and successful teams, which motivates everyone to put in their best effort. This approach not only enhances skill development but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among educators. EduEngage ensures that every teacher, no matter where they are, can benefit from a high-quality, interactive training experience.

How has it been spreading?

EduEngage has seen increasing participation across all Yelaoshr branches from 2020 to 2023. By eliminating venue costs and hosting training sessions online, we've made it easier and more affordable for branches to register for our annual training. This cost-effective approach has attracted more educators each year, fostering widespread engagement and allowing us to reach a growing number of teachers. Our interactive and team-focused training sessions have become a popular, accessible option for professional development across Malaysia.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If you want to try EduEngage, join our company as a teacher, trainer, center manager, or collaborator. By becoming part of our team, you'll gain access to our innovative, interactive training sessions that foster skill development and teamwork.

Implementation steps

Set Up the Greenscreen and Online Platform
Install a greenscreen at the HQ or central location. Ensure all branches have the necessary equipment and access to the online platform.
Prepare the Training Content
Design engaging training sessions that include interactive games and competitions. Incorporate team-building elements that encourage collaboration among participants.
Communicate with All Branches
Inform all Yelaoshr branches about the upcoming training sessions. Provide detailed instructions on how to join and participate in the online platform.
Facilitate the Interactive Sessions
Conduct the training sessions from the HQ, utilizing the greenscreen for dynamic presentations. Engage participants through real-time activities and challenges that require teamwork.
Monitor and Support Participants
Ensure technical support is available to address any issues during the sessions. Encourage active participation and monitor engagement levels.
Reward and Recognize Efforts
Announce and distribute prizes to the most dedicated and successful teams. Celebrate achievements to motivate continued participation and effort.
Gather Feedback and Improve
Collect feedback from participants to understand their experiences and areas for improvement. Use the feedback to refine future training sessions and enhance the overall effectiveness of EduEngage.

Spread of the innovation

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