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place Latvia

Eco-Buddy is an environmental educational board game which encourages positive behaviour shifts related to Sustainability thinking.

Eco-Buddy has invented a method and board game which encourages positive behavioural shifts on subconscious level, endorses circular thinking, waste reduction and understanding of interconnectivity. We help teachers to set Sustainable thinking into children through an easy & playful approach. Children are our future and their further actions will depend on what kind of thinking is set into them.


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Target group
June 2020
We used Eco-Buddy's Action cards to analyse and talk about what we would do differently to avoid food waste and students came up with great ideas and implemented it in our daily school life.

About the innovation

Eco-Buddy brings playful learning and joy of exploration into the class

What we do?

Our mission–to help people discover their internal Sustainable thinker. This is the thinking mode which needs to be set as primary one. Only when Sustainability is understood and Sustainable thinking set as the basis of everyday thinking the shift in the behaviour can happen, useless consumption and waste creation reduced, and innovative climate friendly solutions created.

Eco-Buddy’s methodology and product is created in a way that it helps to put sustainable thinking into our mind-set. We help teachers to set the Sustainable thinking into the children through an easy and playful approach. Our Certification training equips teachers with the knowledge how to use Eco-Buddy’s game elements in more than 16 different ways. Children are an essential group to work with because they are our future and their future actions will depend on what kind of thinking is set into them.

The environmental board game can be played by 4 participants and the leader of the game, so usually 6 sets of games are enough for the class. The game is a combination of team work (you need to make collective decisions and collaborate, because either everybody wins or loses) and individual play (the one who gets the most points gets the title of “Eco-buddy”). During the game you learn about different topics and facts about waste, production, materials etc., explore what are the environmentally good behaviours, get the chance to collect waste, plant trees and collectively build recycling stations.

Why we do it?

Climate Change is a global problem and instead of fighting the consequences we at Eco-Buddy are intended to work on the root cause, which is us, the human. From all the people around the world only a handful of us understands how our everyday actions and waste creation impact the climate, and we want to change this in the core. Only by shifting human behaviour and thinking towards sustainability and environmental care (realizing that we are a part of nature and need to live in a harmony with it to thrive) we can make a better future. And this is a must to have a turning point in the current Climate Change evolution path.

The main problem we are solving is sustainable consumption and behaviour which is rooted in our thinking.

The impact of shifting the human thinking and behaviour is huge. If we take, for example, the food waste - it is 1/3 of all the food produced (1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year). The food sector accounts for around 30% of the world’s total energy consumption and for around 22% of total Greenhouse Gas emissions. 1/3 of it is wasted! And much bigger impact on Climate Change is created when we consider waste created by other industries (apparel, automotive, wood industry etc.). Even if the behaviour would reduce the waste by 5% the impact will be significant.

By implementing Eco-Buddy’s solution we will achieve the following UN Sustainability goals:

• Sustainable cities and communities;

• Responsible consumption and production;

• Climate action;

• Life below water;

• Life on land;

• Partnerships for the goals.

Currently teachers lack the supporting materials for talking about the sustainability and environmentally friendly actions in their classes that’s why this topic is not discussed properly and we are here to help. We believe that it’s essential to work with children in order to create sustainable next generation.

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