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Collaborative choose your own adventure that empowers teachers to involve and engage students.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students upper
May 2023
Digital learning that involves and engage everyone in a blended game format, where teachers and students are active together.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Most digital learning focus on individual experience, removing the teacher and standard content. Few learning tools really take advantage of the unique setting that a classroom is - a game master (teacher), and a lot of players (students) that can collaborate, discuss and reflect together to solve problems and learn.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

DiBL is a digital learning platform to create, host, share and capture dilemma-based-learning games. You can create engaging and involving learning experience that support teachers in scaffolding collaborative learning especially on topics with more answers. DiBL is a proporietary technology where users can make there own content and distribute it easily. It is built on framework (.NET) using MongoDB and JavaScript (Angular) hosted on Azure.

Teachers show the scenario on a shared screen, and learners connect with a device. The scenario consists of different pages with elements that can branch in different directions based on what participants collaboratively decide. Every time you make a choice this may influence variables, open branches, and/or introduces roles to learners.
Our approach grows out of long tradition in active learning, role-playing game, group work, problem-based learning and scenario-based learning, and our own evaluation from users are very positive.

How has it been spreading?

We soft-launced with an MVP last years and have been perfecting the solutions since with selected partners and customers. Currently, we have around 10 organisations that we work with, and around 100 teachers. We have so far reached +10K, and aim to reach +100K in 2023. In 2023 we expect to have the first strong flagships example with, and during 2024 collect evicence for the effect. During 2024 we will also create the foundaton for easily bringing in anyone to create their own DiBL (collaborative dilemma-game), amd then aim for +1 mio. users in 2025.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Please contact CEO Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen,

Implementation steps

Make a DiBL account
Create your own school organisation so teachers can create and share together.
Decide on a DiBL topic
Choose a topic that can be a good canidate for dilemma-based learning ex. well-being, inclusion, ethics or wicked problems.
Create a DiBL flow
Identify the core elements in the game scenario
* A few lines for background story
* The key stakeholders in the scenario
* The room of change you have to influence
* The key dilemmas you face
* The different endings.
Setup in DiBL
Create the relevante pages, setup branches from flow, insert text and choose images to support scenario.
Share DiBL
Press publish and use the link to start a DiBL immediately.

Spread of the innovation

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