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place Brazil

When innovation means simple and scalable. When teachers are in the center of change.

Curiós was developed to tackle the pandemic impacts in the Brazilian public education system. In a simple and scalable way, we introduce teachers in basic free easy-to-use online technologies, training in social emotional skills and techniques to teach remotely. As a legacy, we co-created a Collection of “K-12 Content Pills” to be sent via Whatsapp, the main tool connecting students.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated March 2021
Web presence




Target group
This training was very useful! We can certainly enrich classes with what we’ve learned. Given the pandemic context, the more practical the content delivered, the more engaging it will be for students

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Covid-19 created an unprecedented scenario in education due to limited internet access and teachers’ limited knowledge on online tools, mostly affecting the 38.2 million students in the public schooling system. The World Bank’s latest report stated that the extended closure of Brazilian schools may impact 70% of students in their ability to understand simple texts upon finishing elementary school.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

By the end of 2020 more than 80% of teachers from the Brazilian public system stated that Whatsapp was their only or main tool for communicating with students during the pandemic. It's the most common, free and low data usage available tool. A collection of “Content Pills” for K-12 education was produced by the participating educators to be sent via Whatsapp, giving teachers a reliable source on content aligned to the Brazilian Curriculum Requirements (Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC).

We adapted our online training methodology to train teachers in techniques on social emotional skills and how to teach remotely. In a simple, but not simplistic, and scalable way, putting teachers on the center of this transformation, we: 1- Supported educators on the entire back to school dynamics whether remote, hybrid or in person; 2- Improved effectiveness on curriculum implementation, guaranteeing BNCC standards; 3- Expanded our teaching community for sharing experiences and best practices.

How has it been spreading?

The project was implemented in 2020, in 2 municipalities and expanded to 12 with funding by the Lemann Foundation & Imaginable Futures Alliance. Successfully implemented, it reached over 1,500 educators directly and 40,000 students indirectly.

In 2021, Brazil remains at the peak of the pandemic, with the worst impacts still ahead of us. Our project aims to support educators in the back-to-school dynamics, whether 100% remote, hybrid or in person, impacting 5 times the amount of teachers this year. We have already implemented in a municipality with 3,000 teachers.

In 3 years, we envision this methodology being a part of teachers’ routines, in which they deliver the basic content to students beforehand, allowing them to use classroom time for deeper discussions, increasing quality educatio

If I want to try it, what should I do?

It’s really simple! If you want to access the collection of “Content Pills” just go to and join our community. If you are interested in purchasing or understanding more about the project implementation, please send us an e-mail to

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