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Master Programming: One Bunny Hop at a Time

CodAR is an Augmented Reality (AR) game that transforms learning programming into an engaging and interactive experience. By arranging play cards to guide a virtual bunny to collect carrots, players grasp fundamental programming concepts like loops and functions in a playful, immersive environment. It’s not just about learning to code; it’s about coding to learn.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






Target group
Students lower
May 2024
Through CodAR, the aim is to shift programming education from traditional, often abstract teaching methods to an interactive, game-based learning environment. This change is intended to spark greater interest and enthusiasm in STEM subjects among students, thereby increasing the number of skilled programmers and innovators in future generations.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

CodAR was created to make learning programming more interactive and accessible. Integrating Augmented Reality with game-based learning transforms abstract coding concepts into engaging, tangible activities, aiming to reduce the intimidation factor of programming and enhance educational outcomes.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

CodAR brings a unique twist to learning programming through an Augmented Reality (AR) interface. Players use physical cards, each representing a programming command, to guide a virtual bunny in a digital world to solve puzzles by collecting carrots. By arranging these cards on a surface, a smartphone or tablet equipped with the CodAR app visualizes the bunny executing the commands in real time through AR. This setup not only makes the learning process visually engaging but also allows players to physically interact with coding principles. The game's levels are designed to gradually introduce more complex programming concepts such as loops and functions, encouraging players to think critically and logically to solve increasingly challenging puzzles. This hands-on approach helps solidify computational thinking skills as players see the immediate impact of their code on the game environment. The intuitive and playful nature of CodAR thus serves to demystify programming for students.

How has it been spreading?

CodAR's adoption has been primarily driven by its integration into educational curriculums and extracurricular activities across schools and coding academies. Its ability to turn abstract programming concepts into interactive, tangible experiences has made it a favored tool among educators seeking to enhance STEM education. Furthermore, CodAR has gained traction through exposure at educational technology conferences and seminars, where its innovative use of AR in learning is showcased. Competitions and hackathons also play a significant role, using CodAR as a platform for students to demonstrate their coding skills in a fun and engaging way. Additionally, partnerships with educational technology providers have facilitated its distribution, making it accessible to a broader audience.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Interested people can download the CodAR application, markers, and user manual from the below Google Drive link:
Dr. Kaushal Kumar bhagat could be contacted for any information related to CodAR (

Implementation steps

App installation
Install the APK shared using Google Drive in an Android device preferably with
Android 7.0 (Nougat) or above.
The Login screen will appear. Click on Play and enter your login credentials (i.e your name and roll number). After your successful login, you will be headed to the
menu screen. After this step, you can follow the instructions given in the app.

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